Pink Hair And Crows Feet- The Art Of Enchantment, An Interview With Guy Kawasaki 

By: Sandi Krakowski

If by chance you missed the LIVE interview I did with Guy Kawasaki, here is the recording! ENJOY! Come find me on Facebook or Twitter and tell me how it impacts you!  <<< — LISTEN NOW!!

To be "enchanted" is to delight to a high degree; to be drawn magically. Recently, a book did this to me! I've never been the same.

Many of you might not know that I read on average 1-2 books per week. It used to not be uncommon for me to go through 3 books per week. With the intensive coaching I'm doing with our clients and my own mentors who coach me, well, 1-2 is now my average.

To say that the last book I read was 'great' would be an understatement…. it nearly caused me to miss an appointment! As I dove in like I do with new books every single week, I was taken away to a place that one rarely finds in business anymore.

My To-Do list was forsaken and I nearly showed up late to a coaching appt!! THAT, my friends, is enchantment!

The business world as a whole is seeing an abrupt and drastic shift and change. Not only in the way things are done, but also in where our focus is going. 

Gone are the days of the 'best direct response tactics' and the 'greatest hook words for copywriting'… without a key missing ingredient, conversion will plummet.

Enter in the world of social media and relationship. If you fail at this level, you'll be gone very quickly. But if you do it right, you'll have a loyal following of friends and fans for a long long time.

In business meetings  of the past, Alpha Dog manipulation dominated where leaders threatened that those who 'obeyed and followed directions' would succeed. The focus was solely to get people to do what they, the leader, wanted. This is not enchantment.The cultic demands of such leaders who only sought quotas and results have been pushed aside with the introduction of marketing with a heart. 

Guy Kawasaki, best selling author, business man and venture capitalist, reveals the importance of not only great customer service, but of the possibility of enchantment. Changing and impacting lives through business.

Guy states in his newest book (and the one that ruined my day in all the right ways!) Enchantment, "I define enchantment as the process of delighting people with a product, service, organization or idea. The outcome of enchantment is voluntary and long-lasting support that is mutually beneficial."

Are you 'just' creating a business or are you seeking to change lives and create a level of business that involves relationship?

"Enchantment is on a different curve. When you enchant people, your goal is not to make money from them or to get them to do what you want, but to fill them with great delight," writes Kawasaki. Now you can see why my heart was so drawn to this book (and all of his other books! I now have these on my reading list!) 

So we could learn more about enchantment, I stepped out and arranged for you to join me on a LIVE private and exclusive interview with Guy Kawasaki. I KNOW you'll be just as excited as I am! It's happening TONIGHT!

"The BEST way to build a company is to make meaning. The way to make meaning is to increase the quality of life." Guy Kawasaki

The book Enchantment has so impacted me that we have REQUIRED all of my coaching clients not only read it, we're talking about it in our group sessions! I'd love to share this special opportunity with you that we have in interviewing, Guy Kawasaki, Best Selling Author, Hugely Successful Businessman and Venture Capitalist. 

If by chance you missed the LIVE interview I did with Guy Kawasaki, here is the recording! ENJOY! Come find me on Facebook or Twitter and tell me how it impacts you! 



sandi best resolution1 150x150 Does The Three Foot Rule Work?     Sandi Krakowski     is a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 102,000 clients in over 136 countries. Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly. She has a track record for her 'bringing it into action' processes that company owners find easy to implement with quick results. She has been working online successfully for the last 14 years.