Business 101: Your Questions!

By: Sandi Krakowski


In today's issue of our newsletter I'm answering some of your most 'burning questions' about web copywriting!

These are some of the top questions that have come in, in response to: "What are YOUR most burning questions regarding web copywriting?"


      Charlotte Siems Question: What copy do you want on the landing page of your website? Is it better to make your blog the main page?

Hi Charlotte!

That's a great question! And one I am sure thousands of other people can relate to! When I was online building a business and generating leads, it was always my intention to lead to a swipe or a lead-capture page. But the internet world has changed so much in the last 2 years, that my thoughts are changing.

Currently, my page is used in advertisements or even PPC ads or offers we present for the free course. But when I direct people to my Blog, I always lead them to the main page, which is

We live in a culture where people WANT to check you out through social media. You can do that on my /blog page. If you enjoy the articles like this one, or the one regarding my upcoming interview with Guy Kawasaki, you might choose to follow me or get 'more'. This can occur with our newsletter Opt In, our free courses, our RSS feed, through Facebook, Twitter or just directly on our blog.

The goal is now relationship and how many people can I develop a business relationship with and impact through our blog. So whatever way people want to connect with us is perfectly fine. We've found that Opt Ins soar when we have great content regularly, 2-3 times per week, on our blog.

As far as what to write on the landing/ lead capture page? I would offer something of value that speaks to the desire  your prospective client has. If you give them something they want of great value for free, they won't have a problem paying you for the other things you have. Trust and relationship will be built.


Sandi Krakowski


    Elvie Look Don't know what to do. When I write my articles, I am giving good content, which is the information I wanted to put into my next book. How do you give good content, and then decide what to leave out?

Hi Elvie!

Oh, that is a great question! Because when you are publishing a book the first thing of consideration is you most likely have people coming to your website that want some of the content IN that book! You can't give away the 'secret sauce' in your website articles, or what would be the purpose of the book.

So here's a few suggestions: 

#1- Add the "missing" chapter as an article- give me input that came to you once you were done with the book. It happens all the time, so share that with us

#2- Give me some more input on one concept inside the book. When you're an expert, as you are, on a topic the things that come super easy to you can oftentimes be the very sticking points other have. So take just one concept and elaborate on it without duplicating all of your content. Give me an appetizer so I can't wait to read the entire book!

#3- Show me differing situations of concepts taught in the book, how it would change in different families

As well, don't forget the power of asking your audience to ask you questions and let your articles bring the answers. This is the focus of relationship marketing- serving.

You'll do a great job, I know it!

Sandi Krakowski


    Scarlett Von Gunten I would really love more detailed info on how to write an opt-in.  Thank you!! 🙂


Hi Scarlett!

I love your red hair and your sunny smile so much!

The focus of an opt-in and especially one that converts, which is what we all want, is that it is speaking to the language of your ideal client. What is it that they want, that they struggle with and need some help with. What is their urgent problem that you can help with?

In the WordPress Mistake, listed here, people get very confused about whether to have many websites, or stick with one; to have several redirects or keep just one. So we answer that burning question and we lead with the result.

The Single Biggest Mistake People Make With WordPress- DON'T Let This Be YOU!

See example

Give an answer, a solution, a step to the problem and write directly to the concern that your prospects have. 

I hope this helps!

Sandi Krakowski


    Diana Lees How far should you go in extreme language (I don't mean swear words, of course) in conveying enthusiasm or other emotions? Is there a limit? How do you find it without offending people?

    This is a GREAT questions Diana!! One of my favorites!


Hi Diana! We certainly don't want to offend people!

In his book, "Enchantment", Guy Kawasaki speaks on the shock factor of our writing or speaking. Some of us let words like, "Crap" and such slip without even trying and it comes natural. Others, this would be SO out of character for the person that one have to be very careful how they use such words and when. Staying true to character but shocking is the goal… and only occasionally when that is NOT your typical mannerism.

Enthusiasm is a million dollar key and it's the focus of enchantment. It creates rich relationships and it causes us to be all that God designed!  To be enthused comes from the Greek word, "En Theos" which means quite literally to be "IN" God, to be canopied by Him. What a great way to live!

To me, there is no such thing as too much genuine enthusiasm. If you're not a wild hyper person like I can be, than don't be out of character, be enthusiastic and authentic just the way YOU would normally be.

I hope this helps!

Sandi Krakowski

P.S. Don't miss the interview we're doing with Guy Kawasak! Hope to see you there! 04/11/11! Here's the link to register


    Golda Smith If your budget is bare bones minimal, what's the best area to focus on to build that list?


Hi Golda!

Thanks for asking, that is a great question!

I did an article on the ways to use Social Media to build your business for virtually nothing but time. This will give you some great things to activate right away! 

Make Money With Social Media

The KEY and focus of all advertising and marketing is to KNOW your ideal client, speak their language, know what their pain point is and serve them. Serve them with such a unique solution that is better than anyone out there and is so compelling they can't HELP but be drawn to it.

Social Media makes relationship building so much fun! 


Sandi Krakowski

Do you have burning questions about copywriting? We're here to serve you! Come over to our Facebook page and feel free to ask! Sandi's Facebook Page

sandi best resolution1 150x150 Does The Three Foot Rule Work?    Sandi Krakowski     is a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 102,000 clients in over 136 countries. Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly. She has a track record for her 'bringing it into action' processes that company owners find easy to implement with quick results. She has been working online successfully for the last 14 years.