Spend Time With Your Customers- Weekly Wrap Up May 11, 2012

By: Sandi Krakowski

I enjoy spending time with my clients and customers so much it's not hard work to show up and spend the day with them. Whether I'm consulting, coaching or hanging out on social media, they are a big part of an AMAZING day for me!

My dream life and dream job was planned out many years ago, where there wouldn't be so much separation between the two. Working with people I love, having amazing staff that loved my customers too … this was a long time prayer of mine. Being able to impact people's lives with one blog post, one Facebook sharing and even, through a simple email made it all worth it to me.

Today's wrap up is simple- Spend time with your customers.

When we get back from Maui the last week of June we will then have 6 of our top customers coming over to our house! Woohoo!!! PJ McClure and his wife will be with Alan and I as we host our Millionaire Mastermind in a local Bed & Breakfast all weekend long… and the best part is, our guests are coming over to my house to visit! This would not be exciting to me if I didn't love my customers as much as I do. This is part of the life I always dreamed of….. not only enjoying people like this but look at this mapped out plan-

18 days in Maui on the beach with family!

3 days in a Bed and Breakfast and back to my own home with amazing clients!

21 days of an entire month being with people I love!

It doesn't get better!

Friends, build a dream life and a dream business, it's worth everything it takes to get there.

I believe in you and I'm here to help you every step of the way! Let's make this a RIDICULOUS 2012 together!

With love,
Sandi Krakowski