Time Management And Social Media

Social Media Sucking Your Life Away? How To Overcome This Challenge!

Do you ever feel like a crack addict on your smart phone browsing social media 24/7 looking for some 'better' news to keep you going?  Or have you ever felt like throwing your stupid phone into the river because it won't stop ringing?

During the last four years as I've had the honor of working with our 2 million clients, some big nationwide brands, Entrepreneuer Magazine, Forbes, BeliefNet and more, something keeps coming up that I had to spill the beans about today.

It's not a fun topic and it could make you quite uncomfortable. But my desire and my mission is to help create success for your company and to help you enjoy your customers, through social media. Today, in my latest column on Entreprenuer Magazine, I'm going to touch on this topic of 'time sucked away into a vacuum' because of social media. Join me as we plunge into this troubling challenge.

You can read my column here

Please leave me a comment, on Entrepreneur's site, on how this problem is affecting you, your company and what your biggest challenge is. I'll be answering your challenges next week as well!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski