Super Bowl Hashtags

Classroom Time And Super Bowl #Hashtags

Ok, I confess… I love football but the REAL reason I watch the #SuperBowl is because I'm a marketer. God made me one & I learn a lot about what the marketplace wants by watching the ads at the SuperBowl. Studying customers more than I study competitors has gotten me where I am today!  If you're a small business owner #HASHTAGS will be a big part of the SuperBowl this year. Pay attention. Take notes. Classroom time! 

61% of #SuperBowl Viewers Will Share Ads on Social Media Mashable says! Get a grip!!! That is A LOT of viewers!!! We used to gather around the TV to eat good food, watch good football and share a day with friends. NOW we invite millions of viewers to tweet with us and share our favorite commercials! We yell at our teams with a #Hashtag and we vote who will win and our VOICE matters because of social media.

You can learn A LOT about today's marketplace, customers, state of the 'union' when it comes to sales & more by watching the #SuperBowl ads. Even if you're not someone who typically watches these kind of shows (or TV for that matter) I recommend you get your notebook, pen, laptop and smartphone and start TWEETING tonight!

And while you're doing your "Small Business Homework" give me a shoutout on Twitter! I wanna see your amazing faces! Follow me on Twitter now and give me a shoutout! I PROMISE to tweet back to EVERYONE who does! @SandiKrakowski 

With love,
Sandi Krakowski
