Why 2012 Is A Critical Year For Building A Business Online

Special Radio Broadcast from Sandi Krakowski

This is a special issue of our newsletter & it's so important, we're releasing it tonight so that you can listen to this BEFORE you head back to work tomorrow! Rather than writing an article for you, I've recorded a FIRST of our many upcoming sessions of our ALL-NEW A Real Change Radio Show!
Don't you worry, the newsletter will continue as usual, and the radio show will be in addition to that. Today, however I wanted to CELEBRATE with all of you by releasing our first episode.

I also needed to get your attention, because the message I have for you today is critical to your success.

Grab a pen and paper, and listen to this special 25 minute radio broadcast I've recorded that will change EVERYTHING about your 2012 business year.
I can't wait for you to listen! Oh and I almost forgot…. this came into my email tonight at 6:30 pm ET … check this out!!!! From a BRAND new client-
"Hi Sandi! Woohoo! I did it again, best ever sales week…… $18k wow…looking forward to speaking with u on Wednesday.  Love, Julz xx    PS. On $41.5k month to date. (Daily average of $1975 – to hit my goal my daily average needs to be $2185 – definitely feel this is doable – and we haven't even got started yet!! !)

Are YOU ready for A Real Change??  Listen in now!

As I sat in my office, as I typically do before I write for our regular weekly newsletter, I asked God what I should share…. and the oddest thing occurred. I felt like I was supposed to do a radio broadcast!

Hmmmm… I started thinking.

"A radio broadcast? What do you mean by that?" I asked..

"Record the newsletter today. They need to hear your voice." God said back.

Yes, I honestly believe I heard Him share with me, in my spirit, what to do. So here I am!

I recorded for you tonight something that has been burning in my heart so much that it's nearly impossible to hold it in anymore! You see, 2012 is a year that is going to be RADICALLY important for business owners to understand. There has NEVER been a more critical time online, that I have ever seen in my entire 15 years, like THIS year.

This is a year that will change everything for many of you…. and I'm ready to share with you why, right now.

Listen to this 25 minute radio broadcast that I did that will UNLOCK for you a secret code to understanding the focus of this critical time period! Grab a pen and paper…. because I'm revealing how to recognize trends online, learn where the money is funneling and where to "tap in" to get the biggest results for yourself.

I can't wait for you to hear this message!! My prayer for you is that you'll receive what you need, this year.

Here is your Episode #1 of the A Real Change Business Made Easy Online Radio Broadcast: 

WHY 2012 Is A Critical Year For Building A Business Online


With love,
Sandi Krakowski