They DOUBLED Their Daily Opt In With One Tweak!

It's like MUSIC to my ears….. puts a pep in my step and gives me courage to do it again!
YOUR stories motivate me beyond anything else I can think of!
Meet Jordan and Steve, owners of SCD Lifestyle and also Ruby clients with PJ McClure and myself in our 2012 Best Business Coaching Program.
These guys are amazing! They are also regular contributors to our Emerald Membership Newsletter!
I received this story just now and couldn't wait to share it with you!
The first is this:

“In just two weeks of implementing Sandi’s inner circle Social Media tips, we got 100 new likes on Facebook and increased our weekly reach 28%” (INCLUDING ATTACHED PIC 1)

And second:

“Sandi had us change our opt-in offer on our blog sidebar during an inner circle monthly call and we immediately doubled our daily opt-ins from the blog” (INCLUDING ATTACHED PIC 2)  

I'd LOVE to help you succeed! Tell me about your business goals in the comments below!

WIth love,
Sandi Krakowski