I have a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT to share with you today!
As many of you know a few months ago we had our TOP Tele-class ever held here at A Real Change when I interviewed Rabbi Daniel Lapin, author of "Thou Shalt Prosper: 10 Commandments For Making Money".

Here is that recording in case you missed it! 


The moral and ethical reason to make a lot of money and impact lives is a topic that I absolutely love! I love studying the REAL reasons why we should make a lot of money.
Imagine if you will-
You earn $ 5,000,000 per year in your company
You give $ 2,000,000 per year to the hungry, the poor & the slave trade
You pay out $ 800,000 per year in salaries to staff and create jobs
You live comfortably on $ 300,000 per year for yourself
You have operating expenses and advertising of $500,000
The rest is savings and investments, your own personal growth and more.
Can you IMAGINE A LIFE like this?!

According to the world's society, you might not look like you have a "Net Worth" worthy of being on the front page of Inc. Magazine…. but in God's eyes you have a Net Worth that goes beyond this world into the spiritual realm.
My friends, I just got off the phone last night with my friend, Rabbi Lapin and he and I talked about our Dallas, TX event.  And it is now my pleasure to let you know that Rabbi Lapin will be our Featured Guest Speaker on Sunday, April 1st, 2012! 


"The Divine Call Of God On Business And The Key Role You Can Play"
March 31 & April 1, 2012
Dallas, TX
lapindaniel The Divine Call Of God On Business And The Key Role You Can Play
INTRODUCING Featured Guest Speaker
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Author of "Thou Shall Prosper: 10 Commandments For Making Money"

PJ The Divine Call Of God On Business And The Key Role You Can Play
SPECIAL GUEST PRESENTER, The Mindset Maven, who helps people like NO ONE WE KNOW to get to their Divine Purpose, Passion and Power faster than anyone in the marketplace,
PJ McClure!

If you haven't gotten a seat yet… I need to PUT YOU ON WARNING! We are doing national press releases on this and we're hosting an Introductory Tele-Call in the next few weeks. This event will be much bigger than even we had originally designed it to be!
Don't delay…. Get your seat now!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski
P.S.  This event WILL BE A POWERFUL TOOL to usher in wealth, wisdom and more fun than you ever dreamed as possible to have, with GOD on your side!