Sandi Krakowski Facebook Marketing Expert

Just For Fun Interview With Millionaire Facebook Marketer, Sandi Krakowski

By Holly Prawat

Sandi Krakowski, who was recently featured in Forbes as one of the Top 20 Women Social Media Influencers and in the Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers in the world, has been building million dollar businesses for almost 2 decades.

I had the privilege of interviewing Sandi for a class project I was working on. I asked her questions about what she does, how she got to where she is now, and stories and advice she would like to share.

The questions I asked were meant to give me a better understanding of the journey that Sandi underwent to get to where she is today. We sat down at her kitchen table and had a relaxed discussion about her life as a business owner. Below are her answers to my questions that some of you might have wondered about as well.

What do you do for a living?

I am one of the Top 20 Social Media Influencers in the world, and I specialize in Facebook marketing.

How long have you been in this field?

It has been about seventeen years since I first started.

How did you get started?

When I was a young mommy, I wanted to get expensive kitchenware at wholesale prices, so I figured out how to start a business . . . even though I had no experience.

What type of education did you pursue to get to where you are today?

I invested over $1 million in the last seventeen years with personal mentoring, which I call “boot strap” training, and a lot of self teaching through books, CDs, DVDs, events, etc. Let me tell you, there is not one social media influencer that has a college degree that got them there.

Do you have any humorous stories to share about when you were first getting started?

Oh, of course! It was the late 90s, and we had about 30,000 people in our client base. We did a promotion for a book called, “Don’t Get Caught with Your Pantry Down” for our kitchenware business. After I sent it out to our entire client base, my son Jeremy pointed out to me that I spelled the word “pantry” wrong. I ended up sending out, “Don’t Get Caught with Your Panty Down” to thousands of conservative, home school moms. Even though I felt embarrassed at the time, we ended up doing more sales than we ever had, about $80,000, and had a lot of humorous emails.  

So tell me, what is your weekly schedule like?

My schedule includes private coaching, team management meetings, social media marketing, interacting with over 200,000 clients on social media, filming our TV episodes, training courses . . . basically, lots of fun!

What is your work environment like?

I am currently working out of my home, since we run a virtual company. We actually just rented our first office in downtown Warsaw. Currently we have 21 employees who work for us, and 9 of them work full time.

Could you share your likes and dislikes about your job?

Yes! I love that social media is always changing, I love how we are able to interact with people all over the world, and I love that people want to connect with others—whether that’s personally or on a corporate level. What I dislike is when people act like they are experts in social media or the Internet when they have no experience, and also when people use their circumstances as an excuse for not reaching their full potential.

Out of everything that you do, what is your favorite part about your job?

Seeing peoples lives change and seeing companies connect with their ideal clients is the best part about what I do.

What about the worst part?

The worst part is seeing people not take action on what they are capable of doing.

If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently?

I wouldn’t listen to my critics.

It's been a pleasure to share this with you today!

Holly Prawat, PR & Marketing Division 

A Real Change, Holly Prawat