Learn How You Could Supplement Your Current Income Or Replace It Altogether Without Huge Overhead, Staff Or Inventory!

I love creating products! As a matter of fact, in 2009 I discovered it was one of my BEST business skills, along with marketing. Since then I've personally created more than 50 products and generate millions of dollars from just the resale of eBooks, audios and videos. It's a WONDERFUL thing to be able to do from home, on your own time frame and without a big overhead budget. As a completely debt free company (which we are here at ARC) we can't stand big overhead costs anymore than the next guy!

On May 13, 2013 at 7:00 am ET we are going to release the FIRST EVER A Real Change "Information Publishing" mentorship course and will be allowing an exclusive group of people to join me and my team of expert students! This is going to be one of, if not THE BIGGEST, course we've ever done.

But before we do that, I need some help from you. 

Can you do me a favor and answer a few questions on how we can most effectively serve you with this mentorship program?

Here's a short survey that would be of so much help to us! 


Here are a few details:

  • Doors open May 13, 2013 at 7:00 am ET
  • Class is 90 days
  • 100 people only (so we can give some very personal help)

See you then!  I appreciate all the help with the survey- https://www.research.net/s/infoprofits

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski, Facebook Marketing Expert