

Today, on the anniversary of 9/11, I have one word for you:  #ROAR

This word isn't for just the USA. It's for us all. It's time to stop holding your tongue, stop trying to be safe, stop working so hard to not rock the boat! YOUR destiny is tied to freedom for someone else!

People are watching. Will you rise up? Or will you shrink back? Will you forget you have a CHOICE? Always letting everyone push you past the breaking point?

It's time to dance through the fire! It's time to #ROAR!

Be louder than the lion about it!

YOU are a Champion and it's time for the world to hear you roar!

Roar with hope! Roar with life! Roar past all the things that have held you back, all the odds set against you, all the things you thought you couldn't do, shouldn't do and probably won't be able to do …..


With love,

Sandi Krakowski