Mr Green Tea Ice Cream Product Review

I Scream For Ice Cream! Fun Product Review

Today I thought I'd do something fun! A product review on ice cream! Face it… ice cream is a bliss that makes all the difference in the world. Sing it with me, "Thank you GOD for ice cream!"  

Recently as I was watching my FAVORITE television show, "The Profit" which is on CNBC I saw the incredible Marcus Lemonis, the star of the show, go into a company and do incredible things to take it to the next level. You can see that episode clip here. A family-run ice cream company gets help from a billion dollar business owner. It was amazing! Mr Green Tea really caught my eye.

Because I am all about supporting and helping small businesses, I thought I'd do my personal duty and order some of their product. Here is my review of this incredible company.

Let me just say that this is not ordinary ice cream. No. It's what we'll classify as "OMG Ice Cream." This is the kind of cold treat that you can't help but scream, "OH MY GOODNESS!" when you take your first bite. 

Mr Green Tea What's Inside

We ordered their " $99= 12 Pint Sampler Pack" special through the online store. It is advertised as "shipped in a reusable insulated cooler + dry ice + 2 day shipping and a spoon." 

Everyone was excited when it did indeed arrive in just 2 days! Let me make this point as well, it was 97 DEGREES outside when it arrived, so you can imagine I was more than just a little concerned. As we broke open the box, literally ripping the sides of it to get to the insulated cooler quickly (what?! we couldn't wait to taste the ice cream!) we were shocked to find that the ice cream was still frozen solid. After 2 days in shipping through 90 degree weather, in a UPS warehouse and more, the product was still frozen! SCORE for Mr Green Tea!

Alan and I looked at each other with childlike glee as we tried to decide which flavor to taste first. We decided we couldn't decide so we just jumped in!

The Ginger was my first bite. AMAZING. Made with the finest of ingredients, fresh cream, pure cane sugar and fragrant golden ginger, it was OVER THE TOP. Seriously. This is the ***** 5 star type ice cream you typically can only get at a very expensive restaurant. I began to think of some of the $100 plate places we've had the honor and priviledge to eat at. THIS is the kind of ice cream they would serve. And it was NOW in my kitchen! WEEEEEEEE…. the child like excitement continued.

Next was the Red Bean. Real imported azuki beans! OUT OF THIS WORLD over the top! It's not too often when you try a few product offerings from a company and they are all over the top. Most times you'll find a favorite in the bunch, a so-so offering and then a few you'd pass on. Mr Green Tea was now 2-3 with their ice cream.

But brace yourself. When I took my next bite the world stopped for a few minutes. 3-3 score for Mr Green Tea. The Chai Latte ice cream was the truest "OMG ICE CREAM" I've ever had in my  life.

Chai Latte Ice Cream

With a unique blend of traditional chai spices this was like a celebration on my tongue! "This is a special holiday ice cream" I told Alan. "And I want to eat it every single day of the year!" I shouted! Then I grabbed my iPhone and texted my future daughter in love, Holly. She and Justin are getting married in January and I texted her, "I just tasted the ice cream you have to have at the wedding!" They've been looking for the perfect side to cake pops for their reception. THIS WAS IT!

Alan began to talk about some of our favorite restaurants locally and how he was going to tell them about this incredible company and their product offering. "Cerulean has to carry this stuff! It would compliment their unique selection amazingly!"

My friends… are you looking for a delicious treat that tastes like something you could only get at a 5 star restaurant? 

Are you an ice cream snob like me, looking for that "BREAK THROUGH ICE CREAM" that changes the state of the world for you with each bite?


I highly recommend you get your own "$99- 12 pint special" from Mr Green Tea NOW. You'll be able to pick out what flavors you want and will not regret your purchase!

Mr Green Tea Ice Cream

Have fun! Celebrate Family! Throw all caution to the wind just one time! You won't be disappointed!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

sandi krakowski