Young Entrepreneur's Group With Sandi Krakowski

2012-2013 Case Study Group

It's time

At our recent event, The Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit a 17 year competed against 36 others who were all adults and won a $3,000 cash prize for her business plan. Bethany Liooi, the owner of has been working with me, as I have coached her, for the last year. She has graduated a year early and is now earning more money than most adults do every year, but she only works 12-15 hours per week.

Something in me has been lit to really come alongside a select group of teens and to encourage them, mentor them, groom them…. in their entrepreneurial goals. 

What we're doing right now is asking that anyone who is interested please fill out the form below, and we will send you the Young Entrepreneur's Group With Sandi Krakowski application. Over the course of the next 10 days my team and I will review these applications.  I will select 30 people to work with.

Parents, you'll need to approve their entrance and you will have access to the Facebook Group, but you won't be able to post, be a part of the classes or interact with lessons. You can supervise and see everything we're doing, but my heart is to groom these kids right where they live!

REQUIREMENTS:  You must be totally addicted to texting, social media, have a Facebook Profile, Twitter Profile, ready to start a blog, can do video, record audios, etc. You know the drill, kids… there's 100% apps for all of these so it's easy and it's gonna work. YOU GET this mobile world and you understand how powerful it is.

I don't require that kids be perfect but I don't want any crappy attitudes. Period. You have to know yourself, hold your own weight, no whining, no victims. I don't want any kids in there that their parents think it's a great idea but the kids don't want to be in there. Please, stop pushing you kids to be something they don't want to be! 

This group will cause these kids to grow and to mature, so I can't have any whiney babies but I do NOT NEED perfect readers, writers or kids who have everything together. We're all growing. It will be a safe place.

If you can do the apps I mentioned above, fill out the form, get your application and send it back to me. The course will be free. Will start in late October.

I can't wait to hear from all of you! 🙂

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

PROGRAM NOW CLOSED- No New Applicants Being Accepted