Does Your System Work In Direct Sales, Sandi?

Does our system work for direct sales? WOW!!!
Ask Rochelle Griffin – she got RID of her phone calls, constantly on the phone, talking by email, running around the country to do meetings & 90 hours per week. Went to 30 hours per week, working through social media. After 10 months her income went from $180k per year (90 hrs per week) to $400k per year (30 hrs per week) and she just PROMOTED to the next level in her company!
YOUR next step is below.
With love,
Sandi Krakowski
Sandi Krakowski, Facebook Marketing Expert


We encourage you to start with Sandi's FREE 30-Day Blogging course. This will give you an overview of WHY you need a blog, WHEN to use social media and how it all ties together. You can get activated on that here-  Each lesson is 3 minutes long.

In addition go through all 55 episodes of http://www.ARealChange.TV  Each episode has one specific action step to take everyday. They are bite-size and easy to do along side the 3-minute Blogging sessions. 

Then your curriculum for success begins!

#1- WP I –

#2- WP II –

Your next step would be a copywriting course that will make it easy for you to write good copy that converts the sale, builds rapport and helps you connect well. 

#3- Copywriting 101-

Our newest free resource includes emails, videos and MP3s from Sandi.

Sandi's Sound Cloud MP3s- FREE

Sandi's PodCast- FREE