We all have difficult seasons in life. One of the keys to staying strong in our difficulty is not getting stuck. Realize, you won’t be here forever, and this isn’t the end of the story for your life.

But what can you do in the MIDST of the challenging situations, to stay strong and courageous? Here are a few tips.

  1. Give yourself grace. This is NOT the time to start a new lifestyle change, drastically alter things you’re doing, get a new job or relocate. This is a time to do self-care and support yourself. When you plan things, give yourself extra time to accomplish it. Take a little more time to get ready in the morning. Schedule in naps on the weekends. Even if you need to take a few personal days at work- support yourself. Don’t beat yourself up or become your own worst enemy.
  2. Reach higher. Studies have shown that people who are going through depression or a challenging situation have better recovery and a higher incidence of healing when they turn to spirituality for comfort, strength and even, wisdom. My readers know that I am an outspoken Christian and I love Jesus. But I also honor those who have different faiths who read my blog. The point is, when you are at your lowest, don’t go it alone. Reach higher. I personally reach up to heaven for strength I do not have on my own. It helps my focus, gives me strength to endure and renews my courage.
  3. Keep moving. This is not the time to get stuck. Keep moving. Keep going to work, keep showing up at the gym, keep your current commitments strong. Many days you might feel like you’re only operating at 25% of your normal capacity, but that 25% is a strong commitment and sure does beat quitting. When it comes to physical activity, your stress levels will be lower if you keep moving. You won’t lose it if you keep moving! (smile) Even when you don’t feel like doing it, overcome your feelings with a commitment to go the long haul. You’ll be proud of your accomplishment once you reach the other side of this season. Make it your personal goal to stay ‘in the game’ even though you might feel like you’re not the best participant. Just the fact that you didn’t quit will be something to celebrate when you cross the finish line. 

I hope that these tips help you through your difficult season in life. I’ve been through health challenges, relationship struggles, business successes and failures that required I keep a clear focus, give myself grace, reach higher and stay in the game. Not every trial is created equal. These three tips might be all that you can do. That’s ok. Just remember, we’re all unique and we all handle stress and strain differently. Be good to you.

You will NOT be shaken and you are stronger than you think!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski