Traffic To Website

Reading Google Analytics To Increase Traffic To Your Blog, Attract The Right Clients And Close More Sales

Data will direct you, if you let it. It will tell you how to sell and when to sell it. You won't need to read a custom designed NLP script so you can use the latest mind control on your readers and they will magically pull out their credit card and give it to you. It won't require studying your competitors for long hours every single night. The data is right there, in front of you, telling you exactly what you need to know.

When I began teaching people how to use blogging to increase traffic to their website, draw ideal clients in and then make more money with each post, the goal was to get to 50 posts and things will start soaring.  The average person, writing twice per week, would get there in about 6 months. During this time, they would learn how to write, research topics, get photos that converted and write headlines that compelled people to share, like and comment on social media.  Then, as the 50th post was made things would begin to fly! This is what happened with Kayla Howard, John Hayes, Jason Nyback, Michael, Done, Jimmy Hays Nelson, Rochelle Griffin, Lane Jones, Richard Norris, Jessica Vaughn, Sean O'Meara, Bob Hazlett, Eric Remais, Cheryl Boyce and other of my students!

It wasn't magic, it's not like it couldn't happen at post number 27, I'm just using that amount to show you that after you posts good quality content on their blog repeatedly and consistently, you'll not only begin to see regular engaged traffic, more sales and then,  big clincher will begin to appear:  DATA.

If you haven't installed Google Analytics on your website yet, please stop reading now, go to and follow the directions. It's not hard and won't take long. Get it done.​

Google Analytics will watch and measure, tracking every single step, the traffic to your blog. It will note where the traffic is coming from, how long people are staying on your pages, where they leave, what keywords bring them in and more. If your business plan isn't working or your content isn't converting, THIS is where you'll find that out first.

People coming to your site and leaving after 20 seconds? Sounds like there's a disconnect.

Do your articles get read but no one ever comments? Sounds like there's no relationship.

Is everyone coming to your blog from Russia and you think you're creating an overnight global wonder? Sounds like you've been hocked by some automatic traffic robot and are getting very close to having your website black listed.

All of this information is right in front of your eyes. Here are a few tips to help you to know what's going on with your blog. First look at "Behavior" and pay attention to "Site Content" and "All Pages" inside the Google Analytics panel.


As you can see from the data below, paying careful attention to the amount of time people spend on our blog reading our content, the driving factors for our audience during this time period was divided into 4 main categories:

Traffic To A Blog, Lead Generation, Email Writing Secrets and our Social Media GPS Event. 

Traffic Secrets Blog. png

This data then showed us that it would be very profitable to produce more content along the same lines, and write this down, because our AUDIENCE is already telling us WHAT THEY WANT and how long they will stay on the page to read it. After reading the data above, we proceeded to create several videos, audios and classes on the topics noted and saw more than $390,000 in sales in 2 months.

Data doesn't lie my friends and it will be the best tool you ever use in growing your business. When all your business plans, maps and systems are written out, it's imperative that you are reading the data so that you can give people what they are ALREADY asking for, and being a success will be so much easier!

No more stress. No more striving and no more trying to FIGURE everything out!

Have you ever noticed that bees could care less about raw meat? Flies love raw meat. They love anything stinky, actually. Blah. But bees? That's another subject. Bees like things that are sweet, fresh and alluring. They're into color. Flies could care less about color. The color of rancid, raw and disgusting carcasses don't lure in flies, the smell and disgust does. (can you tell I think it's disgusting? LOL)  But bees? You won't find a swarm of bees gathering around a dead carcass. NEVER. I bet their just as disgusted as I am! No, they are buzzing and swarming and swirling in delight around bright, sweet, fresh things! 

Like this picture of my flower garden below!

traffic to your blog

We had so many bees it was amazing! All KINDS of bees! Funny thing is, they were so delighted with the beautiful sweet smelling flowers they didn't even sting us! They just wanted more and more of the sweet stuff!

That's what a good blog with engaging traffic written specifically for an ideal target market is like. Stop trying to draw in flies with colorful flowers. Just because you adore flowers and you know there's a demand for sweet smelling flowers doesn't mean flies want them! Write content, do videos, record audios and use the best photos you can find to attract BEES! Get my drift? Who is YOUR ideal client? 

In my "Finding Your Message and Business 101" monthly coaching program, we are going to be teaching our exclusive group of students how to find that message that not only drives traffic to their website, but draws in, like bees to honey, the right clients. The data will PROVE it to be true!

I'd love to teach you how to interpret your Google Analytics data and create a blog that attracts more clients, converts more sales and makes running a business a delight and not a nightmare! Join me today, our first video goes live on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 in our "Finding Your Message and Business 101" month to month coaching program.

Have fun my friends! Owning your business is life changing and should be a blast!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

#BEMORE: Your Best Life Is Easier Than You Think