What are you raising your kids for?

By: Sandi Krakowski

As I lead business owners and entrepreneurs in their marketing and advertising campaigns, there is ONE thing that always comes up…. and it makes or breaks their business.

You see, the path to success is based more on YOU than anything else…. and how you see yourself, will live your life and how you'll ALLOW yourself to succeed has everything to do with your business.

More than anything else we're dealing with how they were raised, who helped them develop their world-view and how that comes into play in their current business endeavors.

This past Saturday at 1:00 am ET we sent our 18 year old son Justin off on a trip to love aspiring Champion boys in Honduras. These are boys who would otherwise be on the streets, homeless and many times, forced into drugs, gangs and even the slave trade. Yes, my friends, boy are in that ugly dark horrific industry as well. 

Justin was raised as a worshipper and a warrior. He was raised to love first and to give his all. He's both wise and wild. A beautiful combination!

He currently manages our coaching clients scheduling all on his own. He also oversees much of our shipping department with our vendors. To say he is wise beyond his years is an understatement. He's a product of the grace of God in our lives.

I have only ONE goal for my kids- that they would have a radical love relationship with God and that they would flow that love to the world. Period. Nothing else matters…. and everything else is tied to this one key.  

I've made millions in business and have built 11 companies. I've had the honor of leading hundreds of thousands of people through their journey of success. My hands have written emails that have generated more than $100,000 with just one click. It's been my honor to develop my skill so that I can teach a class to 800 people at one time and earn more than $ 165,000 for my efforts.

Our company has given away hundreds of thousands of dollars to those who are less fortunate….. but NOTHING. I mean it… NOTHING, thrills me more, than raising my three sons to be brave, to be bold and to be who God made them to be. 

What are you raising your kids for?

With love,  

Sandi Krakowski