I need YOUR help… can you give a few minutes?

In 2009 I stepped out by faith… with a conference call. People gathered on this call, every week, to hear strategy, secrets and step-by-step methods that had made me millions in business online, all given for free.

By 2012 we were serving more than 250,000 clients. WOW. We are humbled!

Recently, many of you have been asking me to do the Monday Night Calls again. Only this time…. you're asking for something different. You've specifically asked for training on The Divine Call Of God On Business, much like we taught this past March to more than 250 people in Dallas, TX.

Here's where I need your help. Can you do two things for me?

#1- Can you listen to this call I did several years ago on this topic, "The Divine Purpose You Have In Business" – it's 1 hr long

Download to any MP3 player now. My gift to you! http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=18348843

#2- Can you comment on my blog here whether you would like me to begin doing Monday Night Calls again?  We could go 2x a month or maybe 4x. Just depends on the demand.

Bottom line, I am here to serve you!

YOUR goals mean the world to me! I want to help you, in any way I possibly can, to be successful in all areas of life.

Can you do Step #1 and Step #2 for me? I'm watching…. it's up to you. YOU are 100% in control of what we'll do on this topic.

#1- Listen 

Download to any MP3 player now. My gift to you! http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=18348843

#2- Vote- Y or N to Monday night calls coming back.

Vote below. 

OH, and these calls will always be absolutely free. MY GIFT to you, releasing all that God has given to me. 

With love,  

Sandi Krakowski