A Real Change

People ask me all the time how I 'got away with' adding all my faith based messages to my Facebook Marketing, WordPress and PPC training. For some reason they seem to think that by doing so, I should have destroyed my business chances, rather than quadruple it in one year.

Walking with God has been a part of my businesses for 18 years. To be honest with you, I don't know how to run a business apart from Him. So when I'd teach on how to use WordPress and 'find your voice' the only natural way for me to do that is to be more of who God made me to be. When I teach how to find who God made you to be and bring all of that into your business, it's natural…… not some system, strategy or process. And it works!

Ironically, many bloggers and business owners work so hard to separate their life from their business, before we know it, they disappear.

For me, the normal life is to press into heaven and see what God has on His agenda that day. If I don't know how to communicate through a situation, I ask Him for His words and His heart. If I'm struggling with a PPC campaign, I ask Him for insight and then just go with it, testing anything He brings to me. If a hater on Facebook says something really nasty, I release love over them and then go on with my day.

This morning I began to think of how God lives to be kind to us. His total occupation is in loving us, giving to us and we were made for His kindness.

Let that settle in for a few minutes. YOU were made for the kindness of God.

Doesn't it make you want to write something kind and encouraging on social media? If you truly believed that you were made for the kindness of God and that He was for you and not against you, wouldn't it be a little bit easier to learn how to write 100 PPC ads this week? Because you'd be walking in a realm of 'not alone.' Your best would get even better if you went there.

So people ask me all the time, "How did this come to be? Almost 500,000 people on social media and you're breaking all the rules." 

I live with a Revolutionary who broke all the rules many years ago when He gave His life for me.

It was only natural for me to bring all aspects of who I am into my socail media campaigns and my business. To seperate and segregate everything made me feel so disjointed that I made a conscious choice to be fully me.

Pressing into heaven, and the perfect promises of God every morning built a business. It made it easier to write, work with people, love and forgive my haters and make my conversion sing!

Friends, life is too short. Be free today! Press in! Create A REAL CHANGE!

With love,
Sandi Krakowski
