Facebook Pages Virality And Growth

The Powerful Reality Of Relationship On ROI

Our Inner Circle coaching program is growing like crazy!

257 new members in two weeks! On top of that we have had more than 27,000 NEW clients join us on our Facebook page in 30 days and more through our client base. With this enormous growth in such a short time questions start popping like popcorn and requests for help increase!

"How to I get my virality to increase on my Facebook Page?"

"Why do I get more clicks on this bid vs that bid?"

"In my PPC ads why do you suggest this kind of ad over that?"

All of these are great questions, but there's a missing key to many of them. Technical data and making people feel smart has fueled the realm of Facebook Marketing for quite some time. Don't feel bad if you've had these questions! The gurus that have led the way have steered the ship with all this technical stuff for far too long! It's not your fault!

If I go to some of the current so-called experts in this realm we'll see a lot on the % of wordage on your images. How to set up Apps. How to make sure your Timeline image is done in such a way that dimensions are right and the % of content vs graphics is good. Then we see how to use #hashtags so that your probabilty score doesn't outweigh your return on investment liklihood. Insights tested and reviewed. How to use a mobile app. Creating custom audiences!

Do you feel confused yet? You should.

But the truth of what makes money, creates clients that are engaged, causes repeat visits to your page and people who come back repeatedly to your website, your blog and your social media connections is this:  RELATIONSHIP.

In the social media world that we live in people follow what they like. 2 BILLION people per day give their opinion on Facebook, they press the LIKE button. 

Like Button







This shows a desire to be heard, a response driven by a direct action. It's direct response marketing at it's finest but oddly enough, people are still trying to follow all the technical aspects of setup rather than the true key to ROI: Relationship.

If we get bogged down with our virality score, our insights, our dimensions, percentages, click through rate and organic or paid stats, we'll miss the most important thing on Facebook today: PEOPLE.

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My friends, how do we fix this mess?

Truly care. Wow. That's a novel idea! Care about people. Seek to serve, inspire, help and motivate. Tie your products and services into it. Then do it daily. With an open heart.


It will make all of your efforts online more effective. And … be yourself. Quit cookie cutting yourself with that guru. Be yourself. Love people like you would in your neighborhood, your family gatherings, your local coffee shop.

It works. Plain and simple. You want your insights, ROI and click through rate to get ridiculous?! Have real relationships with people.

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski Find Your Voice and Your Purpose