How to become the "Go To Person" people trust and turn to in your niche

There are several people who call themselves experts teaching multiple ways to build a newsletter and a large client base on the internet today. And while it's never my intention to say that one person is better than the other or one method is more profitable than others, I will make this bold statement- having a deep connection with your clients is the BIG key to a long lasting company.

You'll never see people like Gary Vaynerchuk (who happens to be our Featured Guest Speaker at the Social Media GPS event I'm hosting in October) publish anything with a bunch of experts writing on their topics and selling a bunch of their stuff. He's not a big JV fan and neither am I… for one big reason- it doesn't create deep connection with your audience.

What we've mastered over the last 15 years online is publishing a newsletter where people come to trust us, rely upon us and make us their Go To Source for information on our respective topic. Whether it was kitchenware or nutrition or any other of the 11 companies I've successfully built, it works and is a model that all of our clients subscribe to.  Our Emerald Membership even follows this model and we have many guest writers- but get this, they are ALL my coaching clients and they ALL follow the same model so there's no confusion, no pitch fest and no JV prostitution going on.

YOU TOO can become the trust Go To Person that your clients depend upon, turn to and always want to listen to first.  Genuine relationships and caring for them is the biggest key to your success .

Then…. you need a KILLER Opt In Offer and a KICK BUTT email marketing and newsletter model to follow. I'll show you how to do that and how we've done it again, to the tune of 8 figures!

We'll spend time locked away in a Webinar training classroom that you can access from anywhere in the world and I'll show you how to:

  • Set up your Opt In so you can get the highest level of conversion
  • Write words that not only convert but sell
  • Learn how to write an email that people will actually reply to
  • Sell your best product through email and no one will ever feel like they were sold to
  • How to build genuine and authentic relationships on social media that propel your email campaigns forward
  • What to look for in click through rates
  • How to determine if your open rate is legitimate or inaccurate
  • When to use Google Analytics so that you can increase Opt In conversions
  • How to bring email and a Facebook page together for more cash

During these hours I'll not only TEACH you how to get the job done, but take note- I'll be spending time reviewing YOUR work so you can see common errors, where most people drop the ball and how YOU can increase your results immediately.

I'm not kidding when I say ANYONE can learn this. There are secrets that I've used for myself and my clients as a professional copywriter that I'm excited and eager to share with you.

Any product

Any service

Your opt in offer, emails and newsletters will be creating cash and momentum. Let me show you simple secrets millionaires use daily but rarely tell anyone about. 

This will sell out. Last time we taught anything like this it sold out in 9 hours… this is not like ANYTHING I've ever taught before.  There are 27 seats left!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski