Family Is The Glue To Good Business

By: Sandi Krakowski

On June 20, Alan and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary. We've been together for 22 years and married 20 years. In another year we've been together longer than we've been apart in our entire lifespan. To say that you become like your spouse is an understatement. So is the fact that you marry your polar opposite most times, the one who completes you.

There's no such thing as a perfect marriage, unless you're watching a movie produced in Hollywood where real people don't live real lives. A great marriage however is the combination of two committed people who no matter what are going the long haul through life together. Ironic, isn't it? That how a great business is built as well.

To love your customers and build a long term business requires the same discipline and sacrifice that a great marriage takes. Should we be surprised that people reinvent themselves, quit things quickly and start new things every few months when 'attempting' to build a big business? The culture we live in today has become 'if you don't like it get a new one' mindset.

I challenge you to go the long haul in your business.

There will be days that feel like a honeymoon and everything is bliss. There will also be days when you can't see straight and many people will support you to just 'do something else' or 'quit working so hard.'. However, the ability to focus, stay committed, work through the challenges and do what others will not is where real warrior like living begins.

We need A Real Change in our world. It is a dream of mine to see many businesses flourishing, families growing and children being raised in an environment that creates success, happiness and knowing who God made them to be.

Family, it's a glue to many things.

How you live with your family will also determine how well you do in business.

Now before you get defensive and begin to tell me how your situation is unique, I totally understand that there are going to be many painful stories several of you could tell. We have more than 290,000 customers and I know there are many situations that are horrific. But here's my challenge for you as well. I don't come from a bloodline of successful business owners. My extended family has many problems and histories that could make even a psychiatrist even struggle. That didn't stop me however… and it shouldn't stop you. 

BE the force of change and be the one who is more, goes farther and impacts more people because even with all the odds against you, you still succeeded!

I love you and believe in you! We're in this together 🙂

Sandi Krakowski