The internet offers an opportunity like NO OTHER to build a successful business all on your own terms…
Moms and Dads making tens of thousands of dollars from the comfort of their kitchen table! No college degree required! Students tapping into the power of the internet and creating $100k plus from their dorm! The internet has changed our world so much so that the 'cyber' and the 'real' worlds now cross over in real time!
I've been working online for the last 15 years… and I've made millions of dollars in profits…. all from the comfort of a kitchen table, my laptop, sometimes my deck outside….
Now I'm going to take a BIG RISK here and tell you something very few people have ever heard me say…
GOD HIMSELF has called me, given me SUPERNATURAL ability, to make money.
He has given me skill and insight that goes beyond anything I could ever know on my own to outpace and out profit companies that have been around a lot longer than we have. And it's not because I'm anyone special….. it's because HE has a plan for my business life.
He has one for YOU TOO, no matter who you are… and I want to show you how to find it!
In Dallas, TX on March 31- April 1, 2012 I am going to share with you how ordinary people are able to make extra-ordinary amounts of money working from their own business and how to have GOD Himself become a part of everything you do.
WHY you need to be with me & my team LIVE in Dallas, TX on March 31 & April 1st!!!
Being there live cannot be replaced, that is for sure. We have a book signing where we can meet, have pictures and more
This is not a political or religious meeting, but be forewarned. I am going to show you how to write copy, work in your business, blog, interact on social media in such a way that if my competitors saw this they'd freak out!
Learn how to make money in ANY economy!
Learn how to read the marketplace and figure out if what you are doing is actually going to make money.
Learn how to 'test' something in the marketplace and time your 'lauches and releases' just right so that profits are guaranteed.
If you've been working hard to build a business online and you STILL don't get all the in's and out's of marketing… and you KNOW you have to do something this year… I'm asking you to make a decision to be with me in Dallas, TX on March 31st and April 1.
Get a seat now! You will not regret it! blog/ the-divine-call-of-god-on-busin ess-and-the-key-role-you-can-p lay
Oh… and bring your best cowboy boots! I'll have my Python Boots on to do some Texas Fun with!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski
Sandi Krakowski

I got my Texas boots!!! Bring yours!
P.S. Bring your spouse, bring your older teens… this is an event my entire family will be at.. and we're praying you will make a big commitment to your business, THIS YEAR. blog/ the-divine-call-of-god-on-busin ess-and-the-key-role-you-can-p lay