
INTRODUCING: The SOHO "Small Office Home Office" Social Media Apprenticeship

A NEW & Highly Effective Way Of Social Media Community Building For Small Office And Home Office Professionals

During my 17 years of building businesses online there are a few things that I've MASTERED that has caused me to be noticed by international influences.
Coming February 28th, 2013 I am opening our doors here at A Real Change International, Inc for the VERY FIRST 6 Month Mentorship we've ever done with ONE SINGLE FOCUS on Social Media.
My top students will be joining me as we lead an Elite Group Of Students on a path to MASTERY. Watch for the announcement tomorrow as we release this TIME SENSITIVE information! There are limited spots open and you do NOT want to miss this if you are serious about taking your business to the next level.
WARNING: If you can't make a 6 month commitment, please don't enroll in this program. Social media is not something you just play around with and learn by accident.
I'm going to teach how my students are making tens of thousands of dollars through Facebook, Twitter and InstaGram and how you can apply this to your direct sales, home office, small office, home based business and kiss goodbye the old school methods forever. These are the EXACT same steps that have made us millions of dollars by creating community that lasts!
February 28, 2013. 3:00 pm ET. The doors open. Watch for it!


There is NO ONE online teaching this level of mentorship!

You'll have access to me and my team of experts DAILY. You can ask questions, apply what you're learning, go through our training step by step and create results that you've been dreaming about but couldn't get your finger on.

Facebook Pages
Facebook Promoted Posts
How to use Twitter
Twitter Ads
Twitter Verified Accounts
InstaGram for business
How to determine your ROI
The value of a customer
Repeat business
Autoship Magic and how to get orders every month
Reading Facebook Page Insights
How to use Google Analytics to grow a big business
Video Marketing
Lead Generation
AND SO MUCH MORE….. see you tomorrow. Be ready. 

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

sandi krakowski