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Using InstaGram For Business

Pictures speak a thousand words! In today's episode I am going to give you some quick tips on:

  • How to get 10-25 NEW followers per day on Instagram
  • How to follow the right people and most importantly
  • How to use #HASHTAGS so that your ideal clients can find you!

This lesson is a little different because there is no way to teach this without screen sharing. So grab your pen and paper, get in front of your computer and watch as I share these action steps live, from my own laptop and InstaGram panel.

Let's go!

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

P.S.  When you're done with this, be sure to follow me on InstaGram and look for the FREE "10 Days To Growing Your Business On InstaGram" training photos I did. They are all labeled from 1-10 and you can scroll down about 2 weeks ago to find them.

Sandi's InstaGram Page for further lessons
