I might not ever do this again!

I've lived a very secret business career. My strategies, concepts and tactical marketing moves have only been accessible by those who either paid me a very large retainer to work with me…… or who paid me a very large amount of money to have me perform my secrets for them.

But one week from today that is about to change.

I've hid behind a computer for 14 years. And…. I have never done this before.

I've made a ton of money for my clients and myself…. 

Like……Gina out of Hollywood who made $100,000 in one day with a presentation I wrote.

Or…..Katie out of Oregon who created in 60 days with me a coaching program that is generating three times what she was earning and some nice 5-figure monthly checks.

And…..John and Carol out of Utah who in 90 days we created $250,000 in sales together.

This is not the most comfortable thing for me. Being challenge oriented, very secretive about what I do and very serious about succeeding long term in business, there is a huge risk on my part disclosing all of this information.

But one week from today, I will.

Will I see you there? 

Register NOW!  This is the only time I've ever done this and I can't guarantee I'll do it again.
Much love to you, your family and your business,
Sandi Krakowski

ps… for those of you who are arriving Thursday night. From 7-8:30 pm I want to spend some casual time getting to know you. Let's meet in the main lobby (or you'll get directions from the front desk) and we'll gather together and get to know each other. I can't wait to see your faces!