Every now and then, through the journey of life, we meet people who are so unique, so hungry for change and so driven to get things done, it literally takes our breath away.

Several years ago I was building a business in direct sales, and the lady you see above was working in an organization with me. She was a busy mom who worked at a psychiatric hospital as a nurse for more than 20 years. What I remember about Angela then was….. she had many reasons for why she couldn't build her business, the main one was, "Who has time to be on the phone when I work 14 hour shifts!"  She had a really good point… and because I was building my business at the time through the internet and the phone, I honestly didn't know what to tell her.

Fast forward just 2 years ago when the avalanche of social media began to increase. In 2009 I did my first little 'test' of what might work on social media and we profited more than 6 figures in a year. I was hooked…. but then something really began to build in my heart to teach others more of what we did, and as you know, we formed this company.

It was in 2010 that we really began to kick up our social media marketing and again went past our previous years 6-figure profits. Then this year, we hit the 7-figure mark through social media and many of our clients were copying verbatim what we were teaching them.

One of my favorites, Angela Brooks, pictured above, was one of if not the most diligent students I had ever had. She got it. She realized she didn't have to pick up a phone and she didn't have to talk on the phone all day long anymore. I wasn't on the phone, we were marketing through Facebook and Twitter only! And so was Angela. 

After just one year of working with us she nearly replaced her entire nurses salary, but get this… she also got a promotion into Administration where she was now teaching Sr Nurses and Doctors! She was teaching them people skills, leadership and management! HA! Just what she was learning through us!

This girl was growing exponentially in every area of her life! She then got a big promotion at work and the last I heard, she was teaching Doctors this past Friday how to 'read their patients mind' so they could be a better service to them. Are you laughing and with tears yet?

It is my honor to be sharing the stage with Angela Brooks tomorrow, for a private 4- Hour Tele-class where we will share the secrets that have put her into the driver's seat in her business. Listen to this…

She put more than 100 people into her business in under a year! All from her smartphone!


If you're in Direct Sales, my goodness, don't miss this call. We have just a few seats left. I'm so proud of her. She is my most favorite nurse in the world. 

Register now!


With love,

Sandi Krakowski

P.S. If you market anything like Angela does- nutritional products, candles, oils, wine, insurance, travel, handbags or anything in direct sales, this call will put you on the bonus pool charts faster than you can say, "Holy mackeral!" If you don't think so, we'll gladly refund your money. See you tomorrow.
