Farming Industry On Facebook Pages

They DOUBLED their engagement and INCREASED their organic and paid likes by using “non-traditional” methods for their industry!

Every single week my client care team gets emails and questions on our Facebook page regarding our products, masterminds and the services we offer. In the top three list of questions we hear is the concern that Facebook might not be relevant or viable for ‘their unique business.’ 

You’ve heard me say it over and over again- there are very few, if any, businesses that can’t use Facebook to increase their exposure, attract more clients and close more sales. When Karen wrote me the other day about the business they are in and how our Inner Circle mastermind has changed everything for them, I knew I had to show you guys this story!

Excuse me…. they are in the FARMING industry. It’s not every day that you hear of people growing their business online, let alone through social media, in this industry. Typically the farming industry is built on word of mouth, local advertising, trusted repeat business and other tried-and-true traditional methods. But Karen and her husband did not have a big cash-budget to grow their brand they knew there had to be a better way.

She jumped into my Inner Circle mastermind and she got to work.

I LOVE where she says she not only watched videos every day, but she IMPLEMENTED what she is learning. She didn’t just keep learning and doing nothing (which really locks the brain into lazy mode and will make you very confused). She was active, moving forward and doing what she was learning.

Confession time: I’ve NEVER marketed a business in this industry. I’m very aware of what it takes as we used to live right next to a large community of farmers and Amish people. But taking this kind of industry into social media is not something we have first hand experience in. But that didn’t matter, because people are people and if you have relationship with them, connect right where they are at, and serve them better than the next guy, you WILL increase engagement and you WILL increase your sales.

It’s the same way in a brick and mortar. If you’re not willing to serve, you will starve. Plain and simple. If you don’t take the time to look your perspective customers in the eyes, hear what they are saying, have an honest and authentic conversation with them about what matters to them, they will NOT pay you money for what you offer and they most likely will say things like, “I’m just looking, thanks” and end of paying your competitor down the street who is kind and interested in them!

It’s no different online.

Karen is on her way to really tapping into the money stream that exists on Facebook for small business owners. It didn’t take her months and months and thousands of dollars, just some good ole fashioned sweat and learning equity.

Where are YOU today in your business? If what you’re doing currently isn’t working, isn’t it time you tried something new that is proven to work for people who are serious about their business?

You can be the ‘host or hostess with the mostest’ on Facebook and make a huge impact in your industry, have fun doing it, attract a ton of customers and make more money, while you sleep. I’ll show you how in my Inner Circle mastermind AND you’ll get a chance to meet Karen!

If you’d like access to over 70+ classes that I’ve done in the last 7 years, need more one on one consulting and want to meet in my offices every 6 weeks with a group of powerful business owners to take your business to even a higher level, join my VIP Inner Circle program (doors close next week!!)

With love,

Sandi Krakowski 

Sandi Krakowski