Facebook Goes Public… So What Does It Mean For The Rest Of Us Online?

By: Sandi Krakowski

Note to business owners and those who desire to "tap into" profits found in the big wave of the internet world…. when a change in how we do relationship takes place, make a note. It will affect your business.

In my 15 years of working online profitably (because a lot of people say they've worked online for oodles and oodles of years but haven't yet built their first 7 figure business)…. changes have come and changes have gone.

When the first rendition of "You've Got Mail!" occurred from a CD-Rom that arrived FREE as a gift for YOU from AOL, everyone was excited.. and this was the voice we heard, over and over again as we logged in to check our online email and favorite websites.

Netscape came into play and delivered a new browser and things changed again.

Overture and Yahoo.com launched the opportunity for businesses to offer their products online through something called Pay Per Click and the business world shifted again.

  • Banner ads
  • Cost per click campaigns
  • eZines and Newsletters
  • Webinars
  • Tele-conferences
  • White board sharing
  • Screen sharing
  • VOIP- Voice Over Internet Protocol and the first internet phone

….. and the changes kept coming!

Google became the GIANT of all tech companies!

The BIG world changer that started with simple searches people could make online, anytime of the day, and it continues to grow, at a pace that is nearly shocking!

The last report I saw stated that Google's electricity use was 1.9 BILLION kilowatts per hour in 2010…. and that Google was running an estimate of 900,000 servers. Nine Hundred Thousand!!!

Social media hit with a rush, everyone talked through MySpace and then….. Facebook.

I remember thinking to myself, "What on EARTH is this Facebook thing and why would people want to chat all day online?" It was something I thought would be a huge waste of time, much like forums and bulletin board systems were in the 90's and early 2000's.

But soon I would discover the POWER of this new way to connect with clients, friends and ideal prospects…. earning more than $1 million dollar in under 19 months through social media ALONE (that doesn't include all of our other marketing channels that are all nearly 7 figure producers!) through our newest company, A Real Change International, LLC.

I was hooked!

When relationships and the way people connect change, BIG economic shifts also occur.  

What do you need to know about doing business online and how does Facebook going public affect you?

The times have changed, it's urgent you change as well.

Here are some tips for learning to build your business the "Internet Way"

1. Get a WordPress site – Just any WordPress site won't do. You need to own your own domain with a WordPress hosted site. WordPress.com is great if you're 'just' blogging but if you want to monetize your efforts, build a business and do more than journal all day, you want to own your own content and your own domain. WordPress is the ONLY choice we recommend at A Real Change because it's the best way to dominate the search engines and get the results you want.

Ruby Client Dr Peggy Malone has her own television show, a big following of clients and a year ago made her way into the online world. After 14 months of working with us, she reviewed her data with me today on Google Analytics


92.4% Organic NEW People

11.9% Bounce Rate

THAT is what happens when you are speaking your clients idea language! She's right on track and getting enormous response for her Shin Splint Solutions! Dr Peggy is grateful for the training she has received from ARC in WordPress, Email Copywriting, Newsletter training and more!  WAY to go Peggy!!

2. Get onto Facebook and Twitter- Listen, I love you and I have to tell you the truth. It doesn't MATTER if you like social media or you 'get it'. The majority of your potential clients or customers are hanging out there all day long and it's important that you go to where they are at!

Build a Facebook Timeline first, grow that to about 1000+ friends and connections. Then go onto a Facebook page.  Your Twitter profile should be built simultaneously. It's critical that you put these tools into practice.

Inner Circle Member Courtney Taylor came to us earlier this year wanting to learn how to feature her business through social media. With a BIG following on Linked In she was off to a fast start but soon discovered that Facebook and Twitter is where she needed to be as well.

Going through our Social Media The Fun Way Course she quickly discovered it wasn't as hard or as 'random' as she might have originally thought! Now, with just a few classes under her belt and by being in our Inner Circle for the last 5+ months, she's consistently generating $ 500-900 checks each week! Part time from the comfort of her home!!! Woohoo Courtney!!!

3. Learn to speak your client's ideal language- When you speak your client's language, rather than your own, they listen.

In my best selling book, "Read Their Mind: How To Hear What The Marketplace Wants And Build A Huge Business"   ( get a FREE COPY NOW!)    I'll tell you step by step, process by process, how to read the data on your ideal client found on Amazon, Google and Social Media so that YOU TOO can speak to them right where they are at.

You'll miraculously hear your clients say things like,

"Oh my gosh how did you know we needed that? I'll take three!" 

….as thousands of our clients are hearing everyday. The information you need for keyword research, how to 'tune into' the marketplace and listen to exactly what they are saying is RIGHT THERE for anyone to find. I'll show you how I've built 11 successful businesses and how you can apply this information to your respective company.

Sapphire Client Jimmy Hays Nelson is seen all over the world on Beachbody's INSANITY DVD Fitness program!!! He has lost more than 100 pounds and has kept it off … building a HUGE business around his passion!  As Jimmy learned to speak his clients ideal language he also learned step by step how to write a blog that could do the selling and telling FOR HIM!

He recently was asked to write a regular COLUMN for Beachbody's corporate website! Jimmy has an amazing track record helping people find their abs and get their "Hot Body" back again. He's also a SUPER stay at home Daddy who is raising his baby on HIS own time and his own schedule, while wife Kelly works a profitable job in Corporate America! To the tune of over $8500.00 PER MONTH income, Jimmy definitely knows what it's like to live the dream life as a Beachbody coach!

But writing wasn't always his thing…. as a matter of fact I remember when he told me he wished he could just video tape and talk his blog posts.  But step by step as he kept writing and sharing his story, helping countless people around the globe through a simple WordPress blog, he grew to the point that the head offices of the FASTEST and most PROFITABLE infomercial in the world asked him to WRITE for them!  Woohoo Jimmy!!!!

What do these people all have in common?

They knew NOTHING about how to blog, write, connect with their ideal client, do keywords, or many of the other daily activities that they do today to build their business…. but when the ECONOMY and the way relationships are done changed…. so did they.

Please don't ever ever forget about Angela Brooks.

A graveyard shift nurse who had a hope and a dream… and was told by a writing teacher that she would NEVER be successful writing while she was in high school.

Promoted herself to the Head Administration office at the hospital she's been at for 22 years. This is a gal who rarely saw holidays or weekends because she was always working….. but she CHANGED when the internet world did and built a huge business!

#1 Enroller and consultant in under her first year! 161+ in her organization in that short time!

She also wrote & published her first book! At first Angela was terrified of blogging and social media! "What on earth should I write about ?" that was her first question to me two years ago..

When relationships and the way people connect change, BIG economic shifts also occur.  

What do you need to know about doing business online and how does Facebook going public affect you?

The times have changed, it's urgent you change as well.

With love,

Sandi Krakowski