Alan and I have been spending some special time together here in Hawaii talking about a topic that we have only mentioned just a few times in the last year…. 

And when we do mention it, it's something that gets hundreds of comments on our blog, a ton of responses on Facebook and Twitter and personal emails start rolling in more than any other topic we have touched on.

It's the topic of God showing up in business.

Many of you have heard me say before that there is a enormous shift going on in our economic structure. Ironically, we're seeing more than ever before in our world's history, people are turning to something way beyond themselves to get insight as to where our world is headed.

Words are used in marketing and the mainstream such as:

Conscious business
Sustainable assets
Spiritual entrepreneur

and more…

I'm here to tell you that God has stepped outside of man's pre made box several years ago and is alive and well in the marketplace in a way that is quite shocking! He's loving people through venues that most said He wasn't allowed to step into and He's showing off with inventions, skills and cash flow, in ways people thought He had no interest in.

March 31 and April 1, 2012 I'm hosting an event that will shift the mindset of many people when it comes to this topic.  It's the biggest risk I've ever taken and let me just say.. I'm ready.


"The Divine Call Of God On Business And The Key Role You Can Play"

March 31 & April 1, 2012
Dallas, TX

We will have a special purchase price where you can purchase one seat and bring a guest at a discounted rate. We'll also be offer a discounted rate to all of our Exclusive A Real Change coaching clients who are working with us in 2012.

This will be the biggest and more influential event we've ever done as a company! You do NOT want to miss it. 

Just some of the highlights you can expect:

  • Protect yourself against living for someone else's dream
  • Find out where YOU are a key factor in a global movement
  • Safeguard against commons detours that hold people back
  • Secure your family with three things you need to survive an economic crash
  • Why it's critical to understand that money comes in shifts and how to tap into money business funnels 
  • Identify your personal strengths and monetize them in the business world
  • Raise children who think like entrepreneurs
  • Working with your spouse without stress, competition or insecurity
  • Why Gods role for men and women differs and how to live freely as a team with the opposite sex apart from discrimination
  • The key role religion and spirituality play in huge business surges
  • Hidden talents in business you were born with
And so much more that will not only impact your ability to create wealth, but it will also clear away a lot of the misconceptions people have about business and working as a very successful entrepreneur. 

We will open our doors for registration after the holiday season…. I just wanted to put you on notice, that things are kicking up a bit! And we want YOU to be a big part of it all!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski