Speak Your Prospects Language & Closing The Sale Gets Very Easy Through A Website, Email & More!

Turn every email, autoresponder and follow up series into CASH ON DEMAND!

Understanding how to talk to your prospects emotions, desires and wants is the key to successful marketing & sales.

Do you know how to speak to your prospect in such a way that they get their wallet out and PURCHASE instantly? With just a few simple strategies you could create "Cash On Demand" with your website. Email auto-responders seal the deal if they don't buy instantly the first time. 

My expertise is in closing the sale quickly through the written word, through video and email follow up. I've sold 73 products on one 35 minute teleseminar that sold for $ 599 each. Every client I've worked with online has seen an increase in traffic that is targeted, more sales made without ever picking up the phone, repeat orders and referrals. It's my desire to help you tap into the internet and all that it affords through a website and some simple tools.

A Radio Show client writes:

Loved the show today!    It's congruent with some of the "Case Acceptance" training we are currently learning.  What we are "selling" (and what you talked about today) is   END RESULT BENEFITS !!!   It really has helped us increase our case acceptance ratios.  It really takes the burden off me (and most dentists as well);  they hate to "sell", or persuade, or convince!  Dr. Scott

Does your website speak to your ideal client in the voice they long to hear so that making the sale is not only easy but they come back over and over again?

Here's how you can tell.  Check your data.  If your stats are showing that people find your website but they don't stay very long than the advertising bringing them to your site is not matching the message on the page they landed on.  We can fix that.

If you have a lot of people coming to your website, they opt into your newsletter, they stay for a long time but they never buy? There is no clear sales message and your client isn't sure what to do.  They like you, they want what you have (evidence is they stay on your site) but they aren't given direction to purchase now. We can fix that.

What if your client comes to your website, they purchase a product or service but you never see them again.  With some simple automatical follow up tools such as email autoresponders, a newsletter, social networking strategies you will quickly see your clients coming back over and over again.

I've personally earned several million dollars in Direct Sales and Networking Marketing. My previous eCommerce business generated $ 4.5 million- can I help you with your next campaign?  Bottom line- we can get the sale, get the referral and get MORE MONEY into your bank account. 

Keys to a great website are:

  • Are you compelling?
  • Are your benefits listed?
  • Are you unique?
  • Is it specific what you offer?
  • How do I buy?
  • What is your guarantee?
  • Why should I do business with you?

As an AWAI Trained Expert and Featured AWAI Wall of Fame Member I am not only trained but have a proven track record that 92% of all copywriters in the world do not have. I can boost your sales faster than any other internet copywriter and with my 14 years of experience working online I can do it in a way you never dreamed was possible! 

Just some of our services-
  • Online Press Releases
  • Social Media Press
  • Direct Response Copywriting
  • Copywriting Services
  • Internet Marketing
  • Multi-Channel Marketing
  • Blog Design & Copy
  • Social Media Training
  • Catalogs
  • PPC Ads
  • CPA Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • SEO
  • Auto Responders
  • Opt In Pages
  • Landing Pages
  • Press Page
  • Social Networking Identity
  • Website set up, hosting, design
  • Personal Consultation

Here's a few words from some of my clients: 

""Here's how the final came out – Thanks for a job well done. " Helen, Director of Product Development, American Writers & Artists Inc., regarding 21 page marketing package

"Sandi this is excellent! We'll be using this for our seminar promotion right away!" Kind regards Mark Garbelotto, Brian Tracy International, AU

"This is OUTSTANDING! More than I ever dreamed possible- I'm on the first page of Google!" Randy

I'm ready Sandi, to get solutions and results to increasing my list, gaining more referrals, closing more sales and repeat business from your clients!!!  Let's talk now!  <<<  click here to speak to me


Sandi Krakowski, Online Marketing and Copywriting Specialist