Episode #38- HOW To Overcome Fear In Any Area Of Your Life

Today's episode comes to you live from Hawaii! I want to share with you some steps that I take daily to overcome fear in my own life. Fear is a normal part of our human condition. What we do with it defines if we'll live the life of a Champion or if we'll become a pawn and be run over.

Let me teach you how to overcome fear, no matter what it is you are afraid of.

Oh… and watch closely near the end of the video where a special clip of me and my husband Alan appears from 1200 feet in the air! WOOHOO!

You guys mean the world to me. Be encouraged! 

YOU can become more than you ever dreamed was possible and you can overcome your fears! By the way… I got OVER my fear of no makeup, the sun is in my eyes, I didn't do my hair and how I look in this video. After all, I'm in Hawaii! And this is how I look daily while I'm here……. 🙂  Watch NOW!