The ALL-NEW Facebook Promote Button &

What It Means For Your Business

It's popping up on business pages!

What does it mean?

Is Facebook now going to CHARGE you to have people see your "Page" and to be able to interact with customers?

OMG… what does this mean for all my hard work on my Facebook Timeline Page?

Listen now to this 12 minute MP3 training I just did on WHY the Facebook Promote button is a great thing and how YOU want to use it so you don't lose a lot of money.


With love,

Sandi Krakowski

P.S. On this call I talk about how our 25,000 clients on the A Real Change Facebook Page are influencing more than 12 MILLION people! Here's a screenshot for you to see.  

P.S.S. Your FIRST goal is to get more than 400 LIKES on your page, so that the promote button will be active. More details-