WordPress Plugins For 2012 Marketers Online
By: Sandi Krakowski
On Tuesday February 7, 2012, with hundreds of listening students, we released our  WP II class for business owners! The feedback coming in is that it was "OUT OF THE PARK"… and the best we've ever done! Recordings of this amazing event will be available for purchase on 2/15.
"It was fantastic!!! Thank you, Sandi!!!" Sherie Venner
"Sandi, that class was amazing!! I was taking notes like a fiend. Thank you so much. It was exactly what I needed right now to pull everything together. Can't wait to watch it again after the recording comes out!" Beth Heilman
"It was awesome- many notes taken. Looking forward to reviewing it again- but I KNOW I missed stuff. Talk about OVER DELIVER! Sandi Krakowski Does it AGAIN!" Jimmy Hays Nelson
"It was awesome! I already have my header done and working on the footer. I can't wait for the recording either." Shawn Snyder 
"THANK YOU Sandi!" Dale Anne Potter
"Just finished part II with you. What a wonderful day it was when you decided to share your knowledge with the world! Thank you ♥" Valorie French Stricklin 
"Sandi Krakowski, this class is Brilliant! Taking WP to another level 🙂 Using the tools you JUST gave us I'm already find the words my clients are speaking (themeselves) to us in my copy. Thanks for being a great example of all you teach!" Camelle Daley
"Thanks Sandi Krakowski! great WP II class and great job!!!" Patricia Ogilvie 
As we considered the big impact this event had on our coaching clients and students who are serious about their business, we realized that the most valuable thing we could do for you our customers is publish my "Best Plugins For 2012" list for your blog.
Here it is!  Grab a pen and paper, open up your dashboard and let's get moving!
My best suggestion to you as well is to follow this path when updating plugins.
#1- Be sure you are running on the latest version of WordPress, being WordPress 3.3.1
#2- DISABLE all other plug ins before adding anything new
#3- Disable your cache plugin
#4- Install the list below
#5- Reactivate Cache Plugin
#6- Only after successfully installing these would I go back and add anything else.
NOTE: If you are NOT currently running WordPress Version 3.3.1 please listen to THIS Mp3 recording from our Forever WP Community RIGHT NOW and make sure you upgrade.  DOWNLOAD CALL NOW- http://arealchange.com/wp2class/WP3.3.1.mp3
This is the list of what is running actively on our website. Nothing left out! TAKE NOTE- there is a plugin for Pinterest! Woohoo!
If you get stuck or need some further assistance, consider joining our Forever WP Community for just one month so we can guide you along the way.  Join our private Facebook group with hundreds of our students and my WordPress Experts NOW! We are there EVERY SINGLE DAY to assist you!
Happy Blogging!
Sandi Krakowski
Plugins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine. Once you have your website up and running, have chosen your theme and are ready to KICK it up a notch, this is what you'll need!  By the way we recommend the Thesis Theme from  http://www.DIYThemes.com as the most user friend, SEO rich theme around for beginning business owners.
Sandi Krakowski's BEST List Of WordPress Plugins mentioned in WP II Course:
WordPress SEO by Yoast- One of the best SEO Plugins I've seen in a long time that can be used on all themes of WordPress, free or paid.
Wibiya– Toolbar at the bottom of this page to connect all of your social connections to your blog. Improves sharing, connection and rapport building.
Add From Server-Allows you to import media an files into the Worpress uploads manager from the Webservers file. 
Akismet-Check comments again spam and other robots you don't want polluting your website.
Contact Form 7- Perfect for your Contact Us page and other 'form' options.
Dean's FCKEditor For WordPress- Turn your WordPress editor into a tool very similar to MS Word or Pages for easy editing and customization of text and pictures.
Facebook Social Plugins- Easily integrate Facebook's social features on your blog.
Favicon Head- Favicon Head adds meta tags in the head of every page, specifying the location of your blog's favicon icon.
FeatureMe- Allows you to manage a featured entry list for your blog.
FeedBurner FeedSmith-Detects all ways to access your original WordPress feeds and redirects people to FeedBurner feed so that you can track every possible subscriber.
Font Burner- Allows you to easily add FontBurner Fonts to your site through WordPress.
General Headers & Footers-Edit your standard headers and footers. 
Google +1-Makes your blog a strong connection with this powerful tool by Google.
Google Analytics– Easy plug in to see your traffic and the footprint your visitors are leaving to your blog.
Gogole Sitemaps– Let Google crawl your site with it's robots and add all of your pages and sitemap to it's directory.
Google XML Sitemaps-Generate an XML sitemap with will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com better index your blog pages.
Moderate Subscribers-Process comments by subscribers and contributors into the normal moderation queue, just like anonymous comments. This can become useful when registrations are open on your blog
Optin CommentsA plugin to add a Subscribe To Newsletter checkbox to your blog commenting, synchronizing with either Aweber, Monster Response, Get Response, or a custom arrangement you desire.
Page Tags-Use tags on static pages.
Pinterest "Pin It" Button- Add the ability to share on the most popular social network in the world to your blog!
SEO Friendly Images- Just what it says! Make your images friendly with search engines and bring greater results to your blog when it comes to SEO!
SEO Slugs- Remove common words like "the" and "a" from your post slugs to improve your SEO results.
SEO Smart Links-provides automatic SEO benefits for your site in addition to custom keyword lists, nofollow and much more.
Simple Trackback Validation (fork)Eliminates spam trackbacks by (1) checking if the IP address of the trackback sender is equal to the IP address of the webserver the trackback URL is referring to and (2) by retrieving the web page located at the URL used in the trackback and checking if the page contains a link to your blog.
Subscribe to CommentsAllows readers to receive notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry.
Subscription Options- Adds subscription option icons for your RSS Feed; your FeedBurner Email Service; your Twitter Stream and even your Facebook page. Thousands of colour options. Totally user-defined.
Tag Cloud Widgets-Replaces WordPress' default tag widgets with advanced configurable tag widgets
Thesis OpenHook-This plugin allows you to insert arbitrary content into the many hooks that the Thesis Theme Framework provides. Never again edit a file! 
TinyMCE Advanced-Enables advanced features and plugins in TinyMCE, the visual editor in WordPress.
TweetMeme Retweet Button-Adds a button which easily lets you retweet your blog posts.
WordPress HashcashClient-side javascript blocks all spam bots. XHTML 1.1 compliant. (Plain English- keep trashy people from ruining your blog!) 
WordPress Post TabsWordPress Post Tabs will help you to easily display your WordPress Post or Page sections in structured tabs, so that if you are writing some review post, you can add distinct tabs representing each section of the review like overview, specifications, performance, final rating and so on. 
WP-PostRatingsAdds an AJAX rating system for your WordPress blog's post/page.
WP-PostViews-Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed. 
NOTE: We do not recommend you add, remove, play around with plugins on your WordPress blog until you have done the above steps. Beyond that, we're here to help you!  Join our private Facebook group with hundreds of our students and my WordPress Experts NOW
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