WordPress, everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask!

This teleseminar was attended by over 200 people with amazing reviews!


WP Tele-Seminar     — <<<<  Click here to listen NOW!

We'll be covering:

* Instaliing WordPress in under 10 minutes.. and it works
* What the heck a plug in is and why you don't want 100's working at one time
* How to choose a theme that is SEO friendly
* Hiring a web person for customization who isn't a jerk
* Learning how to place your copy in a specific place sales rise rapidly
* What is a widget and why do widgets make you a lot of cash
* Videos inside of WordPress and how to make huge money with them
* Send every email to WordPress for better Organic Traffic
* Why Blogger and Blogspot are NOT like WordPress and why NOT to use them
* What does a post do
* How do you use a page
* Can I create a new theme on separate parts of my website
* Is my theme customizable
* Where should my opt in box go
  and more!