Weekly Wrap Up, April 13, 2012

Great job this week! You did it!!

In today's weekly wrap up I want to share with you a great way to end your week. 

We've created ToDo lists everyday this week. You've given it your all and have done your best to stay on track. Sure, there are many things that were left undone… things we still have to pick up on Monday. But here's where our focus should go right now, on this Friday, as we end up the week. Let's create ItsDone list.  

As I coach and lead thousands of entrepreneurs each month, it's interesting to me that many times when we get on the phone together, people want to share with me everything they need to fix. Yes, fixing things in business is my speciality. I always go looking for leaks- leaks in time and money and help my clients to increase their power! But occasionally…. I discover a bigger issue.

It's the inability to see how well one is doing. One exercise I'll do with my clients is have them list all the things they DID do in a 24 hour period. All the things that WERE done:  

1. Blog post completed  

2. Shipped out 7 orders  

3. Wrote 19 pages in eBook  

4. Answered 8 emails and so on.. If you want to live powerfully, we can't always focus on the lack, mistakes or problems. You'll get MORE of whatever you focus on.  I'm also not asking you to have some woowoo mindset either, where you just sit in your office cross legged and 'imagine' your success but never get off your butt and get to work! That's not reality. That's just plain stupidity!

Today, I want you to write out what you did do this week. You set out ToDo on Monday and now it's Friday. What did we do?  It's time to CELEBRATE!  One of the best things I ever did in my life and business is to think of all the things that were happening so amazingly and where we were going….and how it was coming together!

So, right now… grab a pen and paper. Write out your ItsDone list!  

YOU are a Champion!

You're not like the rest of the world… you don't think like them, act like them and thank GOD you don't dream like them!! You have the ability to impact the world. Go create A Real Change in your sphere of influence today!  

Comment below and let me know one thing you did this week that has been PUT OFF for far too long! Let's celebrate together!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski