Sandi Krakowski

Look For Ways To Make Things Better…

There's always a way to turn things around. A Champion looks for ways to make things better, NOT reasons why they will stay stuck!

You see, life has a way of shocking us and we never know what we could be until we decide to start BEING more.

I remember when I was so sick, so sad and in so much pain, every single day. Day after day. The pain in my bones, in my heart, the sicknesses I was fighting, all the mistakes I had made. Trying so hard to live up to the expectations of people my entire life finally took it's toll.

And I also remember the day a thought came to me….

"Look for ways to make things better…"

Trust me, it wasn't a thought from my brain. No way. My brain was in a toxic mess 14 years ago! But God had dropped this thought, in the kindest of ways…. and my heart felt a tiny penlight glimmer of hope.

That tiny little flicker of hope caused me to write down a few ideas. FIRST STEP…. I took some action on the thought. I wrote it down.

And this led to another idea.

Which led to another……

At that point in my life, a miraculous lightning bolt didn't come down from heaven to rescue me from my mess, but hope did fill my heart…. and my path would begin to wind down a different road and the notion that quite possibly, maybe, things might get better rather than worse, began to fill my heart.

HOPE began to rise and in the best way I knew possible, I began to water that hope.

14 years later…. I'm here talking to you today. 1.7 MILLION of you. Tears…… I had no clue this is how much better God was suggesting. My 'better' was just getting out of my pit, not being sick all the time, living just one day without massive sadness and actually being able to do the things I love, without pain.

Be more.

My friends…… look for ways to make things better. LOOK. Pray. Ask. Write it down.

We live in a world that sometimes feels like everyone is walking around in a toxic sleep. YOU have to be the rare one who searches for hope, gets their hopes up high and REFUSES to quit.

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski