There is not one business in the entire world that couldn’t benefit from WordPress. Whether you are an information marketer, a consultant in a direct sales company, a coach, musician, clothing designer, chiropractor, dentists, surgeon, attorney or anything else for that matter, your business will soar if you use WordPress as your publishing platform.
The big difference between just a website and a publishing platform that streams all of your content into search engines, social media and more is like hunting with bullets or using a squirt gun! They don’t compare.
Where we live deer run across my 6 acres every single day. Most times there are more than 6 at a time. Yes, they herd just like people do. If I attempted to take one of those Bambis out and make jerky with it’s amazing flesh using a squirt gun I’d be in for a rude awakening. Not only would I not even get close to my target, it would be completely ineffective. This is how many websites that were built years ago are online. They are ineffective and totally missing the target.
Now before you write me about shooting Bambis and how I should let them just roam, let’s get back on topic, shall we? 🙂
Most websites built before WordPress or built outside of it are really unable to compete with what is now called the 'mainstream publishing platform’ of this generation. Books are being published in WordPress. 8-figure membership sites are also using this amazing platform for publishing. Everyday Moms and Pops are using it to market their secret sauce and products and even Stay at home Moms like Dooce, , Heather B Armstrong, have walked away from lucrative careers to make a million dollar + income through blogging! Heather has over 1 million followers on Twitter as well – which is not an accident when you combine the two- WordPress and Twitter were made to connect effortlessly.
So, how can WordPress help a non-traditional business really connect with it’s audience and create bigger profits? In exactly the same way Heather built her blog.
#1- Create a weekly blog of what is going on in the office if you are a dentist. Take pictures of clients who have received an adjustment and feel great if you are a chiropractor. Share your latest coffee house happenings if you’re a musician and give us some tips on how to grow our life and our business if you are in direct sales or information marketing.
#2-Connect your WordPress site to Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to use these platforms regularly! Did you know that every comment, every tweet, every update on Facebook and Twitter is crawled by Google? It’s a great way to help your Organic traffic. Sadly, even if you update a few paragraphs or a journaling section on a traditional outdated website Google won’t crawl you on a daily basis. It is looking for HOT WordPress content!
#3- Give me a direction to follow on your website. This couldn’t be easier in WordPress. If I go to your website and there is no direction it’s likely that I’ll leave! Our stickiness at is at 4 minutes 36 seconds on average. That is sticky and it means my visitors are reading and interacting. WordPress makes that easy to create.
One of the biggest keys to success online is to take something that is working in another niche and plug it into yours. Imagine the many ways you could use WordPress. A dental practice where people can connect, where ‘coupons’ are given so that patients can save 50% on teeth cleaning and a ‘monthly keep your pearls white’ plan for the serious and committed. Now that would sell like crazy!
Sandi Krakowski has been working online successfully for the last 14 years with a track record of of building 11 businesses, all with 6 & 7 figures in profits. She's personally made more than $ 28 million in profits for her clients in the last 5 years through copywriting and marketing.
She teaches with a style that is passionate, intense and fun! Her students say that they get more value from Sandi in one hour than they've paid months for from other online 'experts' who can craft great headlines but don't deliver results.
Sandi has a free report entitled, “The Biggest Mistake People Make With A WordPress Site” 95% of people make a single mistake with WordPress that costs them huge losses in their business!

Don't let this be YOU! Grab this report now!