What Comes First? A Successful Blog OR A Best Selling Book?
People ask me all the time how to build their best online store or platform so that 'when' their book takes off and they have thousdands of new visitors to their website, what they build can support the enormous growth. Have you ever had the same question? Here's my answer. It won't happen.
First of all there's no such thing as writing a hugely successful book that grows like crazy without having an online platform first and then all of a sudden your platform grows really big because the book took off. Very few (and I mean VERY few) books take off without a successful platform FIRST. The reason a book DOES take off and the reason it IS successful is because a highly targeted and connected platform is pushing it forward! Now rarely and I mean 00000.02% a fantastic book comes along that a publisher hears about from a referral and a person is discovered and things take off. But that is NOT the norm. To get the averages in perspective? Think hundreds of thousands of books on Amazon fueled by a big platform verses 1 'discovered' successful one.
Truth be told? It doesn't happen with a record album either! In today's generation of social media audiences and connection the first thing you need to do is build a BIG platform that is connecting to you daily. That means that they are already having relationship with you and because of this relationship, when you write a book, they gobble it up, spread it around like wildfire and your platfrom grows even BIGGER, quickly.
So how do you do that effectively while you're writing your book? After 19 years of building successful online businesses I can say this: Build a highly targeted Facebook page and build culture ON that page, not your product's message. How do you do that? Take my Facebook Marketing and Facebook Templates class. Every step you need starts there. Facebook is the forerunner and the big leader in all social media platforms. They aren't going anywhere, and you must start there.
Once you get things growing (and most of our clients get to 5-10k highly targeted followers in under 90 days) NOW you can release your book, start dropping samples of it and build that successful dream of yours. But you'll never write a book as a no-name without any followers and somehow be discovered and things blow up in success. Not gonna happen.
YOU are called to #BEMORE!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski