pink hair

PINK!!! I remember the day I decided to dye my hair pink. I just wanted to do something fun & alive. Never in a million yrs did I think it would become my brand & represent my message so well! You have no idea what God is up to with some of those fun dreams & wild things you're thinking about! 1 million people connect with us through our company A Real Change International, Inc. Almost 400k through social media in ONE YEAR!! Please – step out! Step up! Go change the world!

Heads up! 

I want to share something with you that may bring an answer for some of you.

This generation likes "brief, small & bite sized". We see this in video, mobile, social media & more. Where blog posts 4 years ago were recommended to be 1200-1400 words we now see huge attraction to posts that are 400-800 words! Long videos used to lead the way & now people crave AND respond like rabid dogs to 2-3 min videos! Long detailed audios were standard in 2009-2011 & considered very popular but now bite sized 3-5 min audios are very popular!

If you're writing an eBook consider doing short chapters, only 1-2 pages per chapter. Write 50 chapters rather than 10 with 5 pages each. If your doing a Video series do 20-30 short 2-4 min videos rather than 7 – 30 min episodes. Same thing with audio. 

I'm NOT saying longer doesn't work. My coaching videos are 10-20 mins long. But I am saying for an Info Product for this generation take note of this as a growing OPTION. It doesn't change anything but it does open the doors to something new. 😊

Don't go negative on me!

Quit thinking that it's because we're rushed, don't pay attention or listen anymore. The reality is every generation changes. We change how we learn, how we think, how we consume things and how we communicate. There's no reason to go off on the negative and the way things were and how we're getting worse. Be a revolutionary and restore things to how we were designed! YES! But don't get all negative on me in the process, please. 

WATCH my 7 Mountain Episodes on http://www.ARealChange.TV. If you want to change the world and you have a message to release in to the world…. you have to change the way YOU think now

You can't keep thinking like a skeptic, or as someone who doesn't like change.

The world is changing and it's an amazing place to live! Restore all that was lost, yes! BRING life and heal all that is missing. HOWEVER…. as you do that… pay attention to where people are now and go infect them with love, life and joy in the process.

With love,

Sandi Krakowski, Pink Haired World Changing Warrior ðŸ’—💗 

Sandi Krakowski, The 7 Mountain Assignment