She spoke her heart and was hated….. and then her sales grew 866%
By: Sandi Krakowski
American Idol superstar and amazing recording artist Kelly Clarkson spoke her heart… and was backlashed in a way that not only shocked her, but it opened her eyes.
Recent posts on her Twitter feed and her Facebook page show that she very deeply and with spirit expressed how this sort of hatred was intolerable-
"If y'all ever disagree with something I say please don't feel the need to attack me. I will listen to what you say and any articles or viewpoints you have when you say it with respect. Being hateful is not a healthy way to get people to see or hear you. I was raised to respect people and their decisions and beliefs and I hope you will grant me the same decency. If you don't agree with me simply unfollow me. It's really that easy"
I honor Kelly! And I want to hone in on her words about negative words and how the power of the tongue reveals a lot about the speaker, far more than the one being attacked.
You see, if we don't work on our own personal growth, we'll seek to attack and 'work on' the growth of others as a full time occupation.
The reflection in the mirror is so painful to some that they seek to rip to shreds the same reflection they might see in others.
My friends, if we are going to see A Real Change in our world, we have to stop buying in the propaganda and lies that exist.
During the last four years we've had Presidents and high level leaders convince us that the rich are robbing the poor…. and we've watched as the media and hype has programmed people to think that the reason they are failing or missing out on things is because someone else stole it from you.
I'm not surprised that Kelly encountered such hatred when she wholeheartedly endorsed Ron Paul! Why wouldn't she be when more than 50% of our nation is so brainwashed with victimization they'd rather run to an antidepressant than even consider changing their lives?
But what happened after that is a huge lesson for everyone to pay attention to.
REPEL OR ATTRACT… there's no other way to be successful in marketing.
The next few days proved to be a reward for Miss Kelly as her sales on her record, "Stronger" rose 866% because she expressed her heart and was willing to take a risk and be who God designed her to be. Write that down. In plain English, if you don't have the kahunas to be full on in business than reconsider being on at all.
Isn't it ironic how many people thought they were justified to judge her, speak nasty negative words over her and then curse her because she said who her Presidential candiate choice would be?
OH MY GOSH… that's right, it's been politically incorrect to speak about being rich, being a Christian, living free and telling people the truth for a long time, now hasn't it? And people think they'll succeed in life with this mindset?
For the record, just because I am a strong 100% endorser of Ron Paul myself does not mean that I hate or want to harm anyone who loves President Obama. I have prayed for our President daily. He has a hard job and one I am humbled by. He needs our love and prayers no matter what! Hatred and violence is not the solution.
This is what my belief means…
It means that I know who I believe in and I will cast my personal responsibility towards them. It doesn't mean that I hate or will be angry or violent towards those who vote for any of the other presidential candidates, it means that I am unafraid to speak my beliefs in public and that I know I can love those who disagree even in sharing my beliefs!
I have personally been hated, harmed and injured deeply by the sick and disgusting Religious Spirit that wages war against anyone who speaks against their so-called holy choices…. and I personally have had to forgive a lot of people who claim to be Christians and are in the same breath, bringing harm to people. BUT …. that does not mean I am like them at all because I am head over heels in love with Jesus Christ and unafraid to speak of Him in business. It means I have an HONORABLE position to show the truth!
If you REALLY believed what you said, you would NOT have to fight so hard to prove your point
I've sat through business trainers events where they start to prepare people for the end of the world….. and they teach how to prepare for the destruction of this and that….. I've homeschooled my children for 24 years and I've listened as so called religious people told me they don't trust government, doctors, police, or any measure of authority and yet don't recognize the vile spirit of rebellion they operate in!
If someone has to use fear and terror to get you motivated, always remember this- FEARFUL PEOPLE are easy to control.
I am using my place of leadership and authority in business to inspire you and INFECT YOU in any way that I can to be 100% with who YOU ARE and 100% with what you believe…. because anything less than that will turn you into a hateful insecure weak without power person. YOU work on you…. and then prove your beliefs by loving others.
Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I hate you… and just because I love you doesn't mean I'm going to give you my endorsement or approval.
YOU need to be 100% with you… what other's think or believe or do doesn't matter when you are there. You can love those you disagree with and you'll have no need or option for hate.
But if you must rip those to shreds, talk about them behind their back and even…. hate those who disagree with your beliefs, you reveal one thing very loudly…. you are weak.
We need Champions to rise in our world!
We need Mommas and Daddies who will speak truth in LOVE.. not in hate. We need to stop confronting in others the crap we refuse to clean up in our own lives! Jesus taught that if you want to take the toothpick out of your brother's eye you had better clean up your own personal red wood forest… then and only then will you be qualified. We must seek to love and help others with a spirit of meekness always.
I am a full on Jesus lover…. and I will be voting for Ron Paul…. and we have over 200,000 clients who have all different beliefs, and who will be voting for who they believe in…. and my friends, it's my honor to serve and to love you all.
If you speak your heart, you will have those who hate you. I'm sure I'll get some nasty emails because of this, but that's ok.
Repel or attract… no other way in marketing… to get real clear on your call.
She spoke her heart and was hated… and then her sales grew 866%. Will you be true to who you are?
With love,
Sandi Krakowski