Learn my latest and most powerful ‘NEW’ Mobile Marketing Secrets that built a community of 311,000 people in 16 months on Facebook, a multi-million dollar brand and employs 35 people!
Read This Entirely To
Discover These Amazing Details!
Mobile Marketing has changed EVERYTHING we do on social media and it's time for you, as a business or ministry owner, to learn how to serve the BILLIONS of people waiting for you!
FACE the facts….. Social Media is where people LIVE! Truth be told….. even if someone currently works a job in Corporate America, they are sneaking in their smartphone and their iPads and connecting to Facebook and Twitter all day long! Studies show that there are more people on social media today than there was even people on the PLANET just twenty years ago!
Never before in history have so many people gathered at one time, in one place, on the earth, like the REVOLUTION that is taking place online.
What if you are a brick and mortar business? And you know your clients are on Facebook and Twitter all day? Let me share with you how to not only serve them, have relationship with them, but also, how to SELL to them without ever feeling salesy!
Joining the best of high touch and high tech together!
'The Social Media Mobile Marketing GPS Virtual Summit '
Recorded in our ALL-NEW $150,000 High Definition Television Studio, I broadcast this virtual summit to you LIVE as you watch the entire event from the comfort of your own home!
I'll be live, teaching how to not only grow your social media presence, but how to create a business or ministry that you love to go to everyday! No matter where you are, what country you live in, or what time zone- you can be LIVE with me!
Social media has changed EVERYTHING! It's a marketing explosion, for starters.. and it's a whole new way to connect with the right customers for your business! Do you know how?
I've been doing direct response marketing online and offline now for more than 18 years. Throw in radio ads, writing scripts for tv commercials, eCommerce, pay per click and more! But there's NOTHING I've ever seen that creates the kind of REAL TIME long lasting results of social media.
The Social Media Mobile Marketing GPS Summit will answer all the missing pieces you've been smacking your head about and haven't been able to figure out.
Because the internet changes so fast if you don't stay privy and up to speed, things will vanish before your very eyes. But don't worry! I spend hours every single week doing the hard work for you. Gathering research in my "scientific advertising lab" and making sure we're up to speed on the latest & greatest profit producing strategies. I'm ready to teach you!
Mobile Marketing On Social Media Is
The Struggling Business Owners Answer!
Are you the CEO of a large company? Or maybe a home based business owner. This is for BOTH of you! Go where people are every single day and learn how to serve them in a way that is natural, honest and VERY PROFITABLE!
It's the little guys 'weapon' on a shoestring budget made easy!
Learn how to build a community that is not only profitable, but also sustainable. Managing a social media platform should not take you all day. If it does, something is broken!
The most amazing thing about social media is that people WANT to talk to you, the company owner. No matter how big or small your brand is, people desire relationship. Social media makes it easier than ever before.
Better than the live telecast we used to see on TV!
More fun than the best of live conferences!
Social media makes it possible for us to connect, live, in real time, 24/7. What could your business do this year if you had more than 200,000 NEW targeted clients to market to!?
During the last 16 months I've not only built a platform of more than 233,000 people on my Facebook page who are engaged, having relationship with us and purchasing our products, but we've added more than 500,000 people to our entire social media platform!
What would happen to your business or ministry THIS YEAR if 200,000 ideal prospects you could serve were BEGGING you to talk to them, daily?
At the Social Media GPS Mobile Marketing Virtual Summit I will pull back the curtains and reveal to you the best of techniques and strategies for 2013 and into the new year!
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How to build a BIG Facebook presence for your business or ministry- Let me show you how I built a highly-engaged, relationship built and multimillion dollar brand with my Facebook page that now serves more than 233,000 people in under 17 months.
Utilizing Twitter to communicate with customers-Using Twitter as a company is different than Facebook or any other platform! I'll share with you how to use Twitter to grow your brand, create HUGE customer loyalty and repeat business. What is the SECRET to getting retweets, shares and shout outs? I'll give you the exact strategies I use daily!
Photos As Marketing & how to use InstaGram to build your social media presence – A photo speaks a thousand words and a great photo could make you thousands of dollars VERY QUICKLY! Learn how to use InstaGram, why Facebook started this VIRAL PLATFORM and what it means for you and your business
Videos on InstaGram For Profits- You've got 15 seconds. What do you say? I'll teach you my best TV style video producing secrets that have brought in sales in a cash producing frenzy!
Promotions on Twitter and writing better Twitter ads –Writing profitable Twitter ads is a DIFFERENT ANIMAL than Facebook ads. Don't throw your money into the paper shredder trying to GUESS how to make things profitable! I'll teach you EXACTLY what I'm doing to grow my brand and increase sales on Twitter via their ad panel.
Engaging with clients and how to create customer loyalty- Every single day I get emails, direct messages on social media and more asking the INFAMOUS question regarding how to create customers who are loyal to a brand that buy again and again! But this one secret I'll share with you NO ONE is teaching and ironically, no one is doing!
What to do when customers complain on your social media presence- If you build a brand right, you're going to increase sales. And if you INCREASE SALES you're bound to run into mistakes. Face it- mistakes happen in business. We don't plan on it. We don't like it and our CUSTOMERS now have a platform they can tell EVERYONE about it through! Learn how to deal with mistakes and mishaps when you drop the ball! Also learn how to handle the people who are a little to "Coo Coo For Peanut Butter" who show up on your page and interrupt your good marketing with whining that isn't even legitimate. BEST customer care secrets!
How to create a WINNING campaign on Facebook for less than $500-If you placed a $500 ad in a magazine I can GUARANTEE you would not get the results I can get with $500 in the Facebook ad manager. Find out why!
What is "Social Media Responsibility" ? – This is a topic that very few talk about and if they do talk about it, they squirrel their way around the bushes and never quite address WHAT to do and WHY it's so critical. We're going to JUMP OVER THE BUSH and talk about this one head on. You'll be more confident and empowered to do things the right way!
Measuring your brands effectiveness and conversion- What analytic tools can you NOT leave home without?! I will show you how to find these tools, how to interpret the data and what numbers you don't want to ignore.
How to increase your ROI with less hours- Everyone wants to know the ROI on social media and they whine about ALL THE HOURS that it must take to get tangible and profitable results. But there's a simple way to increase both without spending all day long hooked up to a social media app. Every hour counts. Every minute counts. Let me share my secrets with you to give you more time and profits!
… And so much more!
Learn how to attract the right clients, engage with quality customers and grow your business faster than any other marketing channel available in 2013!
The way to stay in business is to have a ton of customers who are not only ideal, but are qualified! Studies have shown the best way to attract, engage and profit in this manner is to use methods of connecting that people LOVE to engage with, are using daily and won't interrupt their daily life but actually COMPLIMENTS IT. That is the social media world, my friends.
What if in the normal course of your day, as a television station, a news broadcaster, an author, a small mom and pop shop or even a huge corporate brand you could TALK TO your customers, in real time, and get input, feedback and have relationship with them to make your job of serving them easier than ever?
It is NOW possible and I've got some secrets to share with you!
Internet Millionaire, Sandi Krakowski
Summit Featured Speaker
It's not a secret, I've been online through the dot.com busts, the big internet booms and have built multiple companies, in multiple platforms that were RIDICULOUSLY successful! It doesn't matter what business you're in or what you're marketing- the platform of Social Media is like NONE OTHER!
When I built my very first business online, a Kitchenware business, I had no mentors. My business was built by guessing, trying, testing and moving forward. We had enormous success…. and we had enormous losses.
My goal is to make sure that I pass onto you what I've learned along the way and how social media can REVOLUTIONIZE how you do business, daily! Are YOU ready to earn a substantial income from home?
Three Reasons YOU Need To Watch the Virtual Summit
Don't feel bad…. you're not alone!
A lot of people knew that social media would be big and a lot of people still have no clue how big it will be! The truth be told…. we've only tapped into about 10% of what social media will do. The "App" driven economy alone could put a business into a tale spin if they have no idea where to begin. We'll dissect the pieces and show you everything we're doing and using, everyday, easily! Take the guesswork out with our step-by-step plan.
Have you swallowed the "Kool Aid" that people pour out day after day saying, "Anyone can make money with their passion" but for some reason they forgot to show you how to market it, create products around it and serve people with all you've got, while chasing it? We can help!
Passion is what fuels social media. Don't think so? Even the words, "Like, Follow, Share"show that this marketing channel is 100% driven by the things people love, pursue and can't live without.
We'll teach you how to connect with PERFECT customers who not only like to do business with you, they want to do life with you as well! Daily!
Funny isn't it? Everyone claims they're a social media expert, but FEW people are able to leave their job and fully retire into their dream life with an internet business. Why are so many people working their butt off without making any money? It could be a few simple adjustments they've never had an expert who is doing it point out.
Let us help you to know what you SHOULD be doing daily and what to AVOID like the plague, so you don't lose everything you're building!
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Do YOU have what it takes to run a business in this mobile culture?
Who is this for:
- Someone serious about starting a real online business and turning their passion into profits
- Someone who is serious about taking their business to the next level
- Someone who has plenty of content but does not know how to monetize it
- Someone who wants a step-by-step blueprint that can be used with a product or service
- Someone who knows that a business is work and is not looking for a get rich quick scheme
- Someone who wants to run a customer focused business who makes their highest priority serving their clients
Who is this NOT for:
- Someone who thinks they know it all
- Someone who thinks they should be given things for free
- Someone who loves to learn, accumulate knowledge but has no intention of taking action
- Someone who kicks around, searches and researches but has no desire to really run a business
- Someone who hates their boss and is looking for a quick escape
- Someone who hates hard work and really just wants easy street
This is a Recording of the Virtual Summit
Streaming 24/7 To You, Anywhere You Are, Instantly!