product release strategy

A STEP-BY-STEP Template You Can Insert Your Product
Or Service Into Instantly & Succeed… or Your Money Back!

product release strategy


Dear small business owner, author, speaker, musician and anyone who has a product you want to sell online,

When you get ready to release your first product (whether it's a book, CD, event or just an idea), do you start planning, preparing, and maybe even praying for success, but get stuck on what to do first?

Do you ever wish there was an 'easy' button to release your product to the world, or a simple template for you to copy to have success every single time?

The list is pretty extensive when it comes to strategizing and mapping out a hugely successful product release:

product release strategy

…The List Goes On!

But when all is said and done, the profits that can come in from one product release successful done are amazing!

We can see from the equation to the left, that the possibilites are endless, online & offline, for a great promotion or product release!




But, even if you have a super small social media following, things can still go amazing as we can here!




Even if you made 1/4 of that, it would be more than most people make in a month!

For the VERY FIRST TIME ever, join Internet Millionaire Sandi Krakowski and her Director of Marketing, Jeremy Krakowski, as they reveal their easy to follow, Simple Product Release Strategy!

We will reveal to you step-by-step, through an on-demand video academy, every piece of our Simple Product Release Strategy, so that you have a template to follow that can be used over and over again for your business!




BONUS: We've included a Step-By-Step Template Worksheet
for you to follow along with every step of the way!

Step By Step Marketing Plan For Your Product Release Strategy Made SUPER SIMPLE!


This is never before released, and never before taught to any of our students. You won't want to miss this class!

This is the same strategy that we use every day in our business to bring ideas to market and create a profit here at A Real Change.



   Your On-Demand Video Class Details: 

Date: NOW! Your video class is instant delivery to your email!

How: LIVE Recorded Video Broadcast With Screen Sharing

Includes: Recording of the Entire Class & Step-by-Step Template Worksheet

Only $77




Sandi’s 100% Personal Guarantee!

This comes with my *no-risk, 60 day unconditional money back guarantee*. I am so convinced that you will have results be satisfied with this class, I’m willing to take the risk of letting you attend the entire class, and then decide if it was for you. *There is NOTHING to lose!*



Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.