Mail Bag Thursday and Your Questions About Making More Money Online NOW!
By: Sandi Krakowski
Today we're answering your questions!
Earlier this week I asked many of you on my Facebook Page to give me some of your best questions. Grab a pen and paper and let's see if any of these answers help you go to the next level in your business.
"Hi Sandi, I am in the process of building my 1st income site, and I don't have any content yet. The site is dedicated to giving good information to moms. How would you suggest I populate the site before I start inviting people and build my list?" Laura Bevers Baker
"Hi Laura! Giving good information to moms is a pretty wide net and generic market. The best way to have a site that produces an income is to solve a unique problem and bring a solution that helps Moms to fulfill what is important to them.
For example, if you were interested in helping Moms create a meal plan with inexpensive but nutritious meals this is solving a problem. Add to it maybe iPhone features, something they can put on their computer, download and print and even get the kids involved- now you have a marketable product.
My advise to you is to find something that people are already asking for. Wealth comes from listening to what the marketplace wants and satisfying a need. Be sure someone else is already doing something like you want to do as well, which proves the market has a demand for it. Offer something unique, different and give the best service possible.
To populate the site you'll need to be in WordPress, be sure you have marketing put into place where people who are interested in what you're offering hang out online. In my upcoming book, "Read Their Mind: How To Listen To The Marketplace And Build A Huge Business" I give listening tools and skills that will make finding that information really easy. We're shipping in less than 4 weeks so be sure to get a first release copy! " – Sandi Krakowski
"Hi Sandi! My question has to do with WordPress vs. website. I currently have two websites (which I designed myself). I was always under the assumption a biz should have a website and then blog. But website was more important. Should I just create my website info/design within WordPress and not have websites? If so, can I have more than one biz/website/blog within one WordPress acct? Thanks for any information your can provide to my burning questions!" Dana Keyton Horne
"Hi Dana! Congratulations on building not just one but two websites! Through all the years that I've been online running my companies in the last 14 hours, I've seen websites take many different directions. We've lived through the years of hard coding, flash, rich graphics and many other changes.
You can find out more about why I recommend WordPress in some of our past articles but I will say that if the biggest most powerful companies online such as Ebay, Oprah.com, The Whitehouse, Amazon, all syndicated news channels, USPS, UPS, FedEx, and more are using WordPress, those of us who are running a business online should be doing so as well.
A blog used to be a portion of a website where you shared a journal or a more personal aspect of your business. As WordPress became more than just a blogging platform it also became the most powerful website software to use when it came to SEO, Social Media and online marketing. Nothing compares to how quickly you can get onto the first page of Google when you have a very rich content website put into WordPress.
I highly recommend you take your web skills and spend time porting over all of your website content into a WordPress site on your same domain. With your coding and programming skills I'm sure you can create something very unique and still inherit all of the benefits that I've explained here.
Here are some articles I've written on this topic for you to study as well.
I hope this helps!" – Sandi Krakowski
"What was it that led you and your husband to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was time for him to come home and work with you? I would LOVE to have my husband work with me at some point (a dream much like yours), but I wonder when you "know" when the right time is? Any advice on that would be great!" Jennifer Bennett
"Hi Jennifer! What a great question! I can't wait to share this with you! I've always had a dream of having Alan home working with me. Even 14 years ago when I first started out I wanted Alan to be home with me. At that time he wasn't even remotely interested in doing anything like that and looked at me like a deer in headlights. 🙂
The biggest change occurred when four years ago he left his great career at General Motors and was one of the first to leave in the big automotive crash. When he was first let go I saw my very strong husband grow very discouraged and weary. While I had been building my businesses, investing into my career and myself, my husband was also furthering himself in Corporate America according to their standards. Sadly, everything he had believed in was falling apart. So he decided to look for work outside of our home state.
When he made that decision, 4 job offers came in. We took the job in Indiana and went to see what the future held. Selling our home for what we owed, we made a clean start in Indiana. At this time we were also at the very end of our debt payoff….. which meant we started out completely debt free as well.
I was plug and play, still building my businesses and Alan was hoping to rebuild his future in Corporate America. We arrived to Indiana right when the RV industry crashed and so did Alan's job, again, in one year. He was concerned but not upset. He had learned before to not put his eggs into one basket, got moving and put his applications into several other companies. One afternoon the phone began to ring with a job offer, and over the course of the next 7 days he had 43 recruiters calling him about the same job. Apparently he was 'hot in demand!' and he felt great.
Several months ago, after working at that job for almost three years, Alan was talking to me about the idea of coming home to work with me at the same time the company was discussing the fact that everything was relocating to Chicago. We had just bought a home, were very well connected at a church we loved and had neighbors we had quickly grown to love as well. Assessing the benefit he would bring to our company along with the ability to have plenty of funds to support him to do so, we made a date of when he would leave.
My advise to you (and to anyone else for that matter) would be to have all of the following in place if you are wanting to bring your spouse home:
- Have at least a years worth of expenses for a comfortable living for your entire family in the bank. Do NOT have your spouse come home just because it seems like a 'neat idea'.
- Realize that there is a risk with everything you do, so be prepared to take risks, have a mapped out plan for increasing your business and hold it firmly. You must BOTH be committed, this is not something only one spouse can do while the other person walks in unbelief.
- Do everything you can to invest into the EXPANSION of your dream and your business. Never settle. If you aren't willing to invest into your education, private mentoring, advertising and growth for your business, don't kid yourself, it won't last.
May God bless you, Jennifer and your dream of having your husband home! I look forward to our VIP appointment we're doing this Friday in Tampa, FL together! Your ambition and commitment to this dream is very exciting to me! See you soon! – Sandi Krakowksi
The groups that we've created here at A Real Change all have a unique purpose to be able to serve business owners at many different levels. Our coaching and mastermind groups are where I'm able to invest one on one time with several business owners every single week. As I read the questions that were presented today it made me think of the people in our Inner Circle program, which is almost at 100 members! Wootwoot! 🙂
We see these exact same kind of kind of questions on a daily and a weekly basis in our Inner Circle. As a matter of fact, if you are in my Inner Circle Coaching Group could you comment below what you think would be of benefit to our readers? It would help us a lot in getting the word out! If you'd love to be able to post questions to me and this amazing group of business owners anytime they come up, won't you consider becoming a member today?
Your dreams and passions are our goal! Let's join together to help you get there!
Thank you SO MUCH for your questions!

Sandi Krakowski is a Mompreneur, Coach, Strategist & Mentor, Online Marketing Expert, Speaker, Writer, Copywriter. Mindset & Marketing For Small Biz Owners. Her unique talent is as a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 150,000 clients in over 136 countries. Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly.