Current Classes


Facebook Ads Made Easy For Small Business


How to Write Better Ads, Attract The Right Clients & Sell More Products from Facebook for $10 per day.


I’m giving away all my secrets in this class for running Facebook Ads quickly & easily, while not breaking the bank!






Facebook For Business 2014


Business Pages Made Easy!


Attract More Leads, Build A Winning Business Plan, Create A Culture People Love On Facebook!








Twitter for Business


The “20 Minute Per Day” Twitter Solution For Business


How to gain thousands of new followers on Twitter that are highly targeted, want to talk to you and buy your products!






12 Weeks Your Store


How to Create & Market Your
Own Online Retail Store


This class is PERFECT for anyone who has created their own product, wants to drop ship someone else’s product, has a direct sales product or even an information digital product and needs a great store AND marketing help!








PPC Made Simple
Part 1


PPC Advertising For Beginners Who Don't Know What They're Doing But Wanna Play With The Big Guys!


If you can follow directions, work inside of Facebook and Twitter…. have the courage to learn some simple steps in the Facebook Ad Manager and have already put a budget aside of $200-300 per month, I can teach YOU PPC advertising that works!







PPC Made Simple
Part 2


How To Do Facebook Ads Step By
Step For Any Business!


Each session is a separate module so you can fast forward, rewind, activate your ads and work at YOUR own pace! Want to profit fast or slow? It's up to you!






Social Media GPS


Mobile Marketing On Social Media Is The Struggling Business Owners Answer!


Learn my latest and most powerful ‘NEW’ Mobile Marketing Secrets that built a community of 311,000 people in 16 months on Facebook, a multi-million dollar brand and employs 35 people!




The 7 Mountain Assignment


YOU Have A Big Purpose To Fulfill In The Earth
& This Will Help You To Not Only Identify What
It Is But To Have A BLAST Doing It!


Get started on your DESTINY today!





Brain Training


Becoming Your Best Self With Sandi Krakowski!


"Kick fear in the face, overcome your self-limiting beliefs once and for all so you can live the life you were designed to live and change the world!"





Autoresponder Magic


Learn How To Write Auto-Responders That Work Like MAGIC!!!


Let me teach you my EMAIL & AUTO RESPONDER secrets that made over $1 million dollars in direct sales, over $10 million dollars in a copywriting firm and today builds hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits every month with the company I now own! AUTO RESPONDER MAGIC will change your business future!





How To Create Your Own Successful Coaching Program


 Building A Successful Coaching Program
To Six and Seven Figures!


When you can build a coaching practice that serves the RIGHT people and is driven by making a BIG change, wealth will follow you.






Writing As A Career


Do You Have A Desire To Become A Professional Writer, Copywriter, Editor Or Wordsmith In Any Capacity?


How To Create Your Own Successful Freelance Writing Career Without A Lot Of Tech Knowledge, Time Or Staff!





Career Mapping For A Successful 2014


Look at your future and LAUGH
because you've got a PLAN!


Let's gather together, for 3 solid hours and
let's create YOUR BEST YEAR YET!








WP I For The Beginning-Intermediate Level
Business Owner On-Demand Class


You'll learn how to set up your WordPress blog, Keyword Research, how to create widgets, install videos, do headlines, change fonts, create landing pages, sales pages and your opt-in form. Everything to get your site up and running!











It's Time For Part Two & Bigger Profits
Blogging Online!
WP II For The Business Owner…..


Learn first hand how to not only get onto the first page of Google and every major search engine quickly, but learn how to create a brand for yourself, inside of WordPress that is uniquely yours.