Nominate Sandi Krakowski & A Real Change As A Leading Mom In Business!

I really need your help…. can I ask you to do me a favor real quick?

We've never really done this before….however, it might be time to do so. Why don't we enter these things? Because I don't want a team of investors asking for ownership in our company. I teach independence and staying TRUE to you for a reason.. 

Then I kept getting nudges and a few people suggested it….. and then someone told me they wanted to enter us! After praying about it, I figured.. sure.. if it can help others to have A Real Change, I'll do it. 🙂

So here's how you can help!

If we have had any impact on your life in the last year, in your business, your family, your relationships or anything, can you "VOTE" for A Real Change and Me on Start Up Nations Moms In Business contest?

I would be so grateful…. 

I can't do this without you…. if you believe we need to impact another 200,000 people, can you please help me to do that?

Vote now..

With much love,
Sandi Krakowski

P.S. If you knew that helping one person change their life would mean the difference of rewriting an entire families history, would you help? This might be one of those opportunities and I need YOUR help!