Sandi Krakowski 2014 Predictions

My December Predictions For 2014

Every year in December I give my predictions of where I beleive business is going, what we should be looking for and what I believe awaits us online.

Here are my thoughts on where we are going in 2014!

SNAPCHAT– It is my personal belief that this will become one of the biggest tools online for business. Using this tool with treasure huts, discount codes, special insider deals and information, it's brilliant. People LOVE instant and the whole "This will self-destruct" aspect is brilliant! I also think we'll see more BIG TIME CEO's using SnapChat with an exclusive insider look that will tear down closed doors and walls in a way we never dreamed was possible! 

TWITTER– This platform is getting more "Facebookish" every single week. It's still different, with limited character use to 140 characters (NOTE: As a verified Twitter Acct I've seen some of my tweets that are 150+ characters going through.. INTERESTING!) …. but with pictures in the feed showing more prominantly, being able to see a bio right next to a person's tweet on the mobile platform, following and unfollowing right in the feed now, ease of use and functionality has made this one of my newest favorite platforms! We will see MORE of this in 2014, I would be willing to bet you'll see #hashtags for promotion which means you can promote a hashtag or an idea similiar to how you can now sponsor a tweet or account.  I also think we're going to see more and more graphics, videos and expanded views in our feeds!

FACEBOOK- My ALL TIME favorite, where we now serve more than 327,000 people and are growing daily.  Facebook is extending arms with it's partners with Google AdWords now buying ad space and more. I believe we'll see in 2014 larger networks connecting to Facebook, groups attached to business pages, you'll no longer need a personal profile to do ads as a company and I would be willing to bet, if I were a betting woman, we'll also see some new things like "Place Your Ad On TV" built into the ad manager.

I do think we're going to see more:

Photos! Videos! (15 second on TV), Social Media Ads being views on TV!

We're also going to see PRIME TIME TV so flawlessly connected to social media you'll wonder if your favorite program isn't playing through your Facebook feed!

It's going to be a great year!  If you do ANYTHING on social media, NOW is the time to get really good at it! 


Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski