The Mountain Of Business

The Mountain Of Business & The 7 Mountain Assignment

The moutain of business is seeing abrupt change occur in our economy, in the way business is being done and through changes in demand from consumers. Today we are going to look at three keys that are critical to take into consideration if you are called to this mountain. The 7 Mountain Assignment gives us a clear vision for our lives and our future.

The 7 Mountains and the assignment that God has for each of us, if we choose to take Him up on His plan, will create societal transformation and empowerment. This is not about dominion and take over. No way! It's about infiltrating with positive change, bringing all that has been lost back through restoration and in turn, impacting our entire world so that we can all benefit. 

Watch now and hear some insider information about how to tell if you are called to this mountain and what your focus should be on a daily basis. Here's today's episode!