Making More Money By Getting Your Head On Straight And Really Living What You Believe

Amazes me sometimes. What we as human beings continue to struggle with, despite the vast amount of information we possess.

The topic of the mind is widely received, yet rarely applied.

When you tell people that you need to work more on your own mind than you do your prospects, a variety of responses from "Oh I know, I know" to, "My mind is in a far better place than my prospects, trust me!" spills forth.

Yet 8 out of 10, if not more, online business owners will not make the money they want to this month alone. As a matter of fact, during the next calendar year, unless the mind of most business owners change, we won't see much of a change, despite the fact that there is no reason, no logical reason, for such a deficit. 

People say they 'get' mindset and yet hide behind busyness.

Or they claim to have 'mastered' mindset but spend so much time online talking about everything under the sun and over the moon and still…..never make a penny.

Mindset. It's not what you think.

Your mindset will prevent you from asking for money. You'll feel guilty for charging what you're worth… or worse yet, you'll only work so you can give everything away.

Mindset. It is controlling our lives and many don't even know it.

MINDSET… what we pay attention to, partake in, what we do and what we don't do.

Have any of these symptoms?

  • A compelling need to 'fix' things
  • Co-dependence masquerading as 'help'
  • Minding everyone's business but your own
  • Giving away all that we earn
  • Always starting out opinions with "I am not judging"
  • Believing the 'missing' key is in talking to the right person
  • Constantly justifying, giving explanations, feeling insecure until we 'explain'
  • Doing incessant research w/o action
  • Getting caught up in ideas but never taking action. 

MINDSET… it's 80-90% of the entire game, if not more. It causes us to miss information when it's right in front of us. It can create situations and challenges that never existed.

Mindset….. It can also cause you to believe when no one else does.

It can be the fuel behind a burning fire in the midst of a dry and weary time. You'll have vision, clarity, freedom and purpose in the midst of a world of chaos.

You'll work hard to earn more, to give more and to enjoy more because you have learned that the fruit of your labor is God's gift and you are to enjoy it.

You don't need to validate, give disclaimers or opinions about everything. The focus of a healthy mindset is one's mission. Rather than all the processes, implementations, systems and skills, when all is said and done, if you are aiming toward something bigger than yourself, you'll most likely hit it. You'll also make an enormous amount of money in your business in the process.

Mindset. Where's yours? I'd love to hear! Join me on my Facebook Group where we talk every single day about the bigger issues of big profits- Sandi's Facebook Group


small The Skill Of Listening For Huge Company Growth

Sandi Krakowski is a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 65,000 clients in over 106 countries. Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly. She has a track record for her 'bringing it into action' processes that company owners find easy to implement with quick results. She has been working online successfully for the last 14 years.