Leadership For 2012 Demands We Get Over A Victim Mindset

Friends, we live in a world where people are entrenched with a victim's mindset. They are programmed and groomed to be total victims and never take accountability.

My word for you today is this- if you have NO ONE holding you accountable for your business, your role as a leader and what you are doing with your life, you are quickly slipping into failure. 

Now some of you might get really hot and furious when I say that…. my goodness we received an email the other day that was 23 paragraphs long defending oneself and how hard of a worker they are but that their life is unique, they have been taken advantage of and blah blah blah blah blah. Ironically, not one sentence that said, "I am taking personal responsibility for my life."

If you worked for me, in our team, we'd have a mentoring session going on right now.

We here at ARC are redefining our Core Values and our Purpose and Mission Statement. These are not just corporate mumbo jumbo documents to us, they are declaration of what we stand for, who we are and what we desire to accomplish in the world.

We at ARC are unashamedly and unapologetically a Christian Biblically based company. We stand on truths that have been tested through the ages of time and we do not alter our mindsets to accommodate the victim and blame shifting that exists in our world.

We have customers and clients from various backgrounds, beliefs and systems of faith that we find it an honor to serve and love through business. And we consider our role in business a call from God on our lives, not just a job that pays the bills.

In that light…. I'm going to share something with you very personal and in house today- this is an assigment I gave my staff today. They are to listen to this podcast by Dave Ramsey and they are to bill me for their time in doing so. When they are done, I'm sending them a copy of the book EntreLeadership for their next assignment. We are serious about growing entreleaders in our company and not hopeless victim mindset employees.

I'm sharing this with you today. If you worked for me, we'd be mentoring on this, today.

That's a hint for you.

http://www.daveramsey.com/ entreleadership/ podcast?ectid=itunes-entrel eadership

Episode 8 – Personal Accountability

This week's lesson is a podcast exclusive, taken from a lesson on personal accountability taught by Dave during a company wide staff meeting. We will also talk to John Miller author of the book QBQ! The Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability in business and in Life–which is one of the mandatory books Dave makes every team member read when they join the team, on why personal accountability is so important in leadership.

With much love,
Sandi Krakowski